You can query all downloads/packages from one or more categories by using this shortcode.
Category short-code will all parameters:
[wpdm_category id="Category Slug or Slugs" operator="IN" title="Custom Title Here or 1" desc="Custom Description or 1" toolbar="1" paging="1" orderby="field name" order="asc or desc" items_per_page="10" template="Template ID" cols=4 colspad=2 colsphone=1 async=1]
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
id | TEXT | Yes | None | The category slug or slugs, it is a required parameter, in case of multiple category slugs should be separated by a comma |
cat_field | TEXT | Optional | None | Default value for id is slug, if you want to use category ID there, add cat_field="id" |
operator | TEXT | No | IN | Use this parameter only when you are using multiple categories. Possible values are ‘IN’, ‘NOT IN’, ‘AND’, ‘EXISTS’ and ‘NOT EXISTS’. The default value is ‘IN’ |
icon | URL | No | None | Use it if you want to set a custom icon URL. When you skip this parameter, the shortcode will use the first or available category icon |
icon_wdith | INT | No | 64 | Width of the icon |
title | TEXT | No | Category Name | You can use any text there, if you use title="1" then it will show the category title, title="Custom Text" will show the custom text string as title, if you skip that parameter will not show the category title |
desc | TEXT | No | Category Desc | You can use any text there, if you use “1” then it will show the category description, otherwise will show the custom text string, if you skip that parameter will not show the category description |
items_per_page | INT | Yes | 10 | Use any numeric value but greater than 0 |
orderby | TEXT | No | id | The field name to sort packages, you can sort by title, download_count, date, modified ( update date ), or id, it's an optional parameter, if you skip this parameter “id” will be taken as default. |
order | TEXT | No | desc | Use asc or desc, optional parameter |
template | TEXT | No | link-default-default | Use link template ID here |
toolbar | TEXT | No | 1 | 1 for showing toolbar with category title and sorting option while showing short-code output and 0 will hide the toolbar and "compact" for slim toolbar |
tbgrid | TEXT | No | "6,2,2,2" | Grid allocation for toolbar items, total 12 columns, if you use tbgrid="6,2,2,2" means, allocate 6 cols for search bar, 2 cols for order field dropdown, 2 for order by and 2 cols for apply button |
paging | INT | No | 1 | 0 if you want to hide pagination |
cols | INT | No | 1 | Number of columns for desktop/laptop layout, value range 1 ~ 4 |
colspad | INT | No | 1 | Number of columns for pad/tab layout, value range 1 ~ 4 |
colsphone | INT | No | 1 | Number of columns for phone layout, value range 1 ~ 4 |
async | INT | No | 0 | optional, valid value is 0 or 1 , load pagination links asynchronously when set 1 |
For any technical issue, if you are already using pro version please post in pro forum and free version users please post in free forum. Otherwise, if you have any pre-sale or order related query please contact live chat support team. For technical support.