All Add-ons

WordPress Download Manager - All Add-ons Pack

All WordPress Download Manager Add-ons ( except payment gateways ) in a single pack. This package will enable your access to all current and upcoming add-ons. Buy & Save $1000+ Right now !!!

List of included add-ons:

Download Limit

Download Limit — Version: 2.7.1 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

Daily Download Limit Add-on for WordPress Download Manager Pro will help you to set up download limits for different user roles. And you can control the limit by...
WPDM Directory Add-on

WPDM Directory Add-on — Version: 4.6.0 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

WordPress Download Manager Directory Add-on will help WordPress Download Manager users to show all categories and downloads on a single page with different styles. WordPress...
WPDM Default Values

WPDM Default Values — Version: 2.1.0 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

WPDM Default Values add-on will help you setup/populate default values for package settings so that you don't have to repeat those every time you create a new package...
WordPress Private Message

WordPress Private Message — Version: 3.8.0 | Item Price: $49.00 — $149.00

WordPress Private Message Plugin allows site members to send private messages (PM) to each other or site admin. Users will have their own inbox and sent box. WordPress...
WordPress Pro Membership

WordPress Pro Membership — Version: 3.8.1 | Item Price: $59.00 — $199.00

The WordPress Membership Plugin to Protect Your Contents & Boost Up Your Sales, specially optimized for WordPress Download Manager Plugin.  WordPress Membership...
WordPress Newsletters and AutoResponder Plugin

WordPress Newsletters and AutoResponder Plugin — Version: 3.3.1 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

WordPress Newsletters and AutoResponder Plugin will help you to notify all subscribers about new posts, downloads and their updates. Create and schedule newsletters,...
WordPress Amazon S3 Storage Plugin

WordPress Amazon S3 Storage Plugin — Version: 3.2.1 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

WordPress Amazon S3 Storage Plugin for Download Manager will help you to store your file at Amazon s3 from WordPress Download Manager admin area with a full-featured...
Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields — Version: 2.3.3 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

Advanced Custom Fields Plugin will enable you to use unlimited custom fields and field groups with WordPress Download Manager. You can create different custom field...
Form Lock - Ask users to fill a form to get access to download

Form Lock - Ask users to fill a form to get access to download — Version: 2.1.6 | Item Price: $49.00 — $149.00

Form Lock Plugin for WordPress Download Manager helps you to lock your download with a form so that users need to fill and submit that form to get access to download....
Package Lists / Collections

Package Lists / Collections — Version: 1.3.4 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

Let your customers create and share custom lists ( Package List / Wish List / Collections ) of products using the WPDM Package List. And increase the number of...
WPDM Accordion

WPDM Accordion — Version: 2.1.3 | Item Price: $39.00 — $99.00

Generates multilevel accordion menu using WordPress Download Manager Categories and Packages. You simply need to use short-code [__wpdm-accordion] to show the accordion....
MailChimp Subscription

MailChimp Subscription — Version: 1.5.8 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

MailChimp Subscription add-on for WordPress Download Manager Pro gives you an option to add Download Manager subscribers to your MailChimp list directly without...
Download Notifications

Download Notifications — Version: 2.0.1 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

Download Notifications Add-on for WordPress Download Manager gives you an option to get an email or SMS notification when someone downloads a file from your site. Global...
WordPress PDF Viewer

WordPress PDF Viewer — Version: 3.1.0 | Item Price: $39.00 — $99.00

WordPress PDF viewer plugin helps your site visitors to preview a PDF document before they download it. The default viewer with WordPress Download Manager Pro uses...
WordPress Image Watermark Plugin

WordPress Image Watermark Plugin — Version: 1.1.1 | Item Price: $49.00 — $149.00

WordPress Image Watermark Plugin allows you and your customer to place custom watermark or logo on the downloadable images. WordPress Image Watermark Plugin Key...
Advanced Access Control

Advanced Access Control — Version: 3.3.0 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

Advanced Access Control add-on will help you to control user-specific access to your files and document downloads.  When you want only selected users to allow access...
WPDM - ConvertKit

WPDM - ConvertKit — Version: 1.1.0 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

Integrate your Download Manager with ConvertKit using this add-on. This add-on is integrated with Download Manager's Email Lock feature. When a user downloads a...
WPDM - File Cart

WPDM - File Cart — Version: 1.5.2 | Item Price: $49.00 — $99.00

WPDM - File Cart Add-on will help your site users to select random files from different packages and download the selected files as a custom package.  This will...
Campaign Monitor Subscription

Campaign Monitor Subscription — Version: 1.3.0 | Item Price: $39.00

Campaign Monitor Subscription add-on for WordPress Download Manager Pro gives you an option to add download manager subscribers to your Campaign Monitor list directly...
Opt-in Magic

Opt-in Magic — Version: 1.3.0 | Item Price: $49.00 — $149.00

Opt-in Magic is a powerful lead generation tool that converts your website visitors into subscribers. Opt-in Magic provides everything you need to increase your...

Comments [ 56 ]

  • Claude5670


    I bought a pro special pack because i didnt see this package, Can i upgrade to this one by just adding my payment? rather than buying this one again.

    • Shaon

      This package includes only add-ons, not wpdm pro. But special pack includes wpdm pro + some add-on. Anyhow If you want to purchase all add-ons pack, you only need to pay $80 ( $105 – $75 + $45 + $5 ). Or simply purchase this all add-ons pack, and then I can send back $25 to your paypal account.

      • Claude5670

        Ok I have taken you up on your offer.
        Send me back $25

        Paypal Transaction ID: 6LF163872Y439800M

        Also a little confusing, you say All WordPress Download Manager Add-ons ( except payment gateways ) but Multilevel Affiliates is also not in the package.

        I was looking forward to get that add-on as well.

        • Shaon

          please send your paypal email in forum with a private reply.

          • ivanushe4ka

            Hi, Shaon!
            I also don’t see Multilevel Affiliates addon in my package.
            Can you explain why? Thanks.

          • Shaon

            It is already included, The zip name is

  • 61756d

    Is the Directory Add-On included in this bundle?

  • 61756d

    Thanks! I’m going to buy WPDM Pro and the All Add-Ons Bundle!

  • 61756d

    So, when I buy this package I’ll get access to any future add-on releases as well?

  • maldboy88

    add payment via paysafe card and i buy the package right now 🙂

  • laoshr

    Hello Shaon,
    Does this all-in-one add-on package come with the membership add-on as well? Thank you for your time.

  • Ndaba

    Can I upgrade to this pack from the Special Pack?

  • metatron

    Dear Shaon & Shahriar,

    You guys are going to hate me for this inconvenience I’m about to cause you! I apologize profusely beforehand.

    As you already know by now, I’m not IT inclined and know very little technical stuff. I make decisions based on recommendations from my coders. My main website coder is asking me to:

    1. Withdraw the eCOMMERCE PACK purchase.
    2. Buy the WPDM PRO.
    3. Buy the ALL ADD-ONS PACK.

    The weird thing is that these two items were your original recommendation to me when I wrote in to you.

    Can I do this? How would I go about it? Please advise.

    Once again, I sincerely apologize for all the trouble caused.

    Best regards.

    • Shahriar

      Sorry, but no migration option there, as all add-ons pack doesn’t included eCommerce add-ons like payment gateways, as all add-ons pack is already a discounted pack with a huge discount comparing with total price sum, we will not be able to add any discount for that .

  • Jay Barratt

    Hi Shaon,
    Can you point me to anywhere on your site, that provides a more detailed breakdown of what the various components of the “All-ad ons” pack actually does/includes?
    It seems very good value, but it would be helpful to see how much from the massive selection I would actually use for my type of site…
    Thanks in advance.

  • Max

    Hey guys, have a question about this pack and your plugins overall.

    Thinking of buying a complete solution from you. I need a WordPress store solution that uses Paypal for checkout. I see a lot of options and plugin gateway talk but what are some of the more complete purchases? For instance would it be a good idea to get this package and the Paypal gateway and cover my bases for the future? Especially if I am looking to convert over to a Membership site.

    I see a lot of store and download plugins included in this package too. I think my question stems from the fact I wish some of the plugins included here linked directly to their respective store pages. That’s not a big thing but would sure save me some research time.

    Thanks for any suggestions as to what service you feel the various packages serve.



    • Shahriar


      To sell digital products ( As separate products and/or membership ) using PayPal you need Download Manager core plugin + Premium Package + WP Pro Membership.

      This pack includes all of our add-ons except payment gateways which you don’t need as you are using PayPal ( integrated as default gateway ). So, by purchasing this add-on you are getting access to all add-ons some of which might be handy for you.

      So, my suggestion is Download Manager Pro + All Add-ons pack.


  • Max

    @Shahriar – Now see – that is EXACTLY the information I was looking for and thank you! I’m doing research on additional packages to get for my site from your store. A lot of them looks pretty useful. One question was about the PayPay Pro option here:

    What is that exactly? I am guessing from what you are saying there is ANOTHER PayPal option for the store that is included/free with the store?

    Thank you so much for the information!

  • Mike

    Include themes?

  • AlesiaN


    I didn’t find the following add-ons in this list, Is it included?
    -linked products
    -advance csv importer
    -file manager

    Thank you,

    • Shafayet

      Hello Alesia,
      — advance csv importer: IS ALREADY THERE
      — file manager: IS ALREADY THERE
      — linked products: IS ADDED NOW

  • x472134

    wish I had also for wpmd pro download coupon code. Getting all the plugins is useless right now but I want to get wpmd pro too.

    • Shahjada

      With all add-ons pack, add wpdm pro too in your cart. Apply Black Friday coupon at cart coupon field below the cart items. Discount will be applied to cart total.

      • x472134

        I purchased the “WordPress Download Manager Special Pack” package today Can you install this demo on my website?

        I sent you information by email

      • x472134

        please help me. No one answered when I asked for help with email. I tried to install it like demo site but the file download is failing. Please help me setup.

        • Shahjada

          I see, support team already set your site up. However, I just check and adjusted the download issue, download links are working fine now.

          • x472134

            I did not expect a solution so fast. thank you so much. is it possible to find out what was the cause of the problem?

  • Futexcel

    I can not complete the payment, could I pay for the paypal?

    • Shahjada

      Yes, you can pay using PayPal, to pay with PayPal, select 2Checkout and click “Pay Now”, on 2checkout payment page, if you don’t see PayPal option, change currency to USD:
      Pay with PayPal

  • AlesiaN

    is directory addon included in the pack?

  • Azergate

    Why instamojo is still not implemented, I had requested since Oct 7th 2019.

  • Ahmed Ali Qaend

    i Miss Front-end Category Manager in ALL ADD-ONS PACK

  • TECNASA Panama

    This addon: is Advanced Access Control?

  • DesignServe

    Hi WPDM,

    I would really appreciate if you could somehow put the actual names of the add ons next to the zips. It really takes a long time to find out which is which and there doesn’t seem to be an ability to search the addons at the moment, as there was on your old site. It’s a bit of a struggle to read through the comments of this page and many other pages to know which add on to download. It would save you from answering many questions too.

    It would be even better if the names were in the updates area of our sites too.

    On the positive side, it is making me think very carefully about how I name my own packages, so that my users are clear about the names and what is included 🙂

    Hopefully 🙂

  • DesignServe

    And/or a short description of what each one does perhaps. These things would really help.

  • Jamie Rincon

    Is the cost of these addons a one-time payment or a yearly payment?

  • Charm Sciences

    For the ‘bulk-import’ addon is there an option for the ‘Excerpts’ for each download. It would be great if I can edit these using the CSV file as I’m using it to enable filtering when people search on the directory page.

  • George Thomas

    Please do you have VoguePay payment gateway plugins for wp download manager. Thanks

  • Wendell LAwrence

    Hi there,

    We’ve purchased the Special Pack, but want to get the All Add-ons one. How does it influence the pricing?
    Do we get a refund?



  • Rishit Khandelwal

    Dear Admin, Is it possible to sell Services thru Download Manager? for example photoshop services where user share their raw camera images and we can edit them and resend them to the users?

    • Shafayet

      Yes, possible. You and purchase a service item, after that, they can send a note from the order details page with attachments. You can get it, edit it and then resent it to the user with another note/reply. Or along with regular order, you may use our private message plugin to handle customer communication

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$249.00 — $399.00

Select License
All price options are billed yearly. You may cancel your subscription at any time. View terms
  • Packege Info:
  • Version2.0.0
  • File size8.01 MB
  • UpdatedJul 20, 2021
All Add-ons
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