WPDM Accordion

WordPress Download Manager Accordion Plugin

Generates multilevel accordion menu using WordPress Download Manager Categories and Packages. You simply need to use short-code [wpdm-accordion] to show the accordion. However here is the short-code with all possible parameters:

[wpdm-accordion template="link-template-id" cats="catid1,id2,id3" cat_style="info" subcat_style="default" orderby="download_count" order="desc" ]


  • template: you may use this parameter to specific link template for packages
  • cats: use category ids separated by comma if you want to show accordion for specific categories
  • cat_style: top level accordion style
  • subcat_style: inner level accordion style
  • order by: if you want to sort package by a specific field
  • order: sorting order, asc or desc

Short-code Generator:

Use TinyMce button add-on to generate the accordion short-code:
WPDM Accordion Short-code

Live Demo:


Version 2.1.3 | Released on May 18, 2024
  • Update! Enhanced System Optimization and Compatibility Assurance Update

Version 2.1.2 | Released on Apr 06, 2023
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with the tinymce button integration

Version 2.1.1 | Released on Feb 25, 2023
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with Gutenberg Accordion block

Version 2.1.0 | Released on Jun 21, 2022
  • New! Added support for Gutenberg
Version 2.0.1 | Released on Jul 17, 2021
  • New! Removed bootstrap.js dependency

Version 2.0.0 | Released on Jul 09, 2021
  • Update! Compatibility release for WordPress Download Manager Pro v6.0.0

Version 1.9.0 | Released on Sep 5, 2019
  • New! New filter hook wpdm_accordion_category_query_args to modify category query arguments.
Version 1.8.8 | Released on May 24, 2018
  • New! Applied hide everything option for accordion categories
Version 1.8.7 | Released on Sep 23, 2017
  • Fix! Fixed referrer issue with ajax request
Version 1.8.4 | Released on Aug 05, 2016
  • Fix! Fixed Font Awesome CSS link
Version 1.8.3 | Released on Feb 01, 2016
  • Fix! Fixed “orderby” parameter name in short-code generator
Version 1.8.2 | Released on Jan 30, 2016
  • Fix! Fixed template path issue
Version 1.8.1 | Released on Jan 19, 2016
  • Update! Compatibility release for WordPress Download Manager Pro v4.5.0
Version 1.8.0 | Released on Oct 09, 2015
  • New! Added support sub categories when you using category id with accordion
  • New! Added sorting option of packages inside accordion
  • New! Added new parameters for accordion style
  • New! Added support for tinymce button add-on to generate short-code easily
Version 1.7.0 | Released on Aug 18, 2015
  • New! Added support for link template
  • Fix! Added missing font-awesome icons

Comments [ 38 ]

  • dantski

    How do you install this???

  • archatlweb

    Is there a way to use this add on to do direct to download instead of clicking to the download page?

  • LitmusDesign

    Is there a demo of the accordion? the link http://demo.wpdownloadmanager.com/wpdmpro/accordion/
    is not longer working.

  • LitmusDesign

    how can I display a single category and all of its subcategories, including packages.

    If I do something like [wpdm-accordion template=”link-template-default-icon” cats=”10″] I only get packages for that category when the accordion expands. But if does not show the subcategories.

  • jmcewan

    How can I change the sort order of the downloads? Right now, it is sorting by ID which I do not want it to do. I want to sort by download count.

    • Shahriar

      Sorry, that is not possible for now, but we are already adding it for next update ๐Ÿ™‚

  • jmcewan

    THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ADDING SORT OPTIONS! One more question – how can I change the color of the accordian? I can’t see how I could do this in the PHP file.

    • Shahriar

      Additional parameters for color styles:
      cat_style: top level accordion style, possible values “info” or “default” or “primary” or “warning” or “danger” or “inverse” or “success”
      subcat_style: inner level accordion style, possible values “info” or “default” or “primary” or “warning” or “danger” or “inverse” or “success”

  • FlorenceL

    Can i buy WPDM accordion plugin with free version of WPDM ?
    How can I have the thumbnail of my document like in your green demo ?

    • Shahriar

      Yes, You can use Accordion add-on with free version of WPDM. Green accordion in demo using Panel Link Template, this link template is available on Pro version of WPDM.

  • FlorenceL

    Thank You Shahriar for your answer. I have installed WPDM Pro, Accordion add-on and used Panel Link Template. It’s great.
    I still have a question. I have a lot of documents used by differents roles. A lot are commons, but some are for one or other group. In the accordion add-on, documents appear even if i restricted the access in “edit package > package settings > allow access” and even if i hide everything in General settings > basic. On the other hand, the page of package are well restricted but i don’t need the page.
    Is there a tip or parameter i forgot?
    Thanks a lot

    • Shahriar

      If though document appears, the download link is actually disabled. However, You can check hide everything option from wpdm settings page to hide all package data:

      • FlorenceL

        Sorry for the late answer.
        I do that.
        When user is not allowed to download, i hide everything.

        The page, where my accordion is , is allowed to group M, admin and group P.
        In this page, the first document is allowed for admin and group M only, not for group P.

        But the group P access to and i don’t want to ๐Ÿ™

        In the package page of first document, i restricted the access to admin and group M, so i don’t understand…

        Thx for help

        • FlorenceL

          It’s like i have no restriction on the link template in accordion. And i need restriction here.

          • Shaon

            We are adding the option and different sorting order options for categories, sub-categories and packages.

  • rb sistemi srl

    Hi, how I can change sort order? for example, if I want to order for title of subcategory??

    • Shahriar

      That option is not available yet, but it seems like a good idea and noted for implementation.

  • FlorenceL

    Thanks Shaon,

    Could we know when it will be ok (days, week, months ?) ? Just to know il i’m waiting or if i need to find another solution. How can we be informed about that ?


  • Juan Alvaro Sanabria


    Is there a way to show the category description for each category?


  • LitmusDesign

    is there a way to specify a subcategory that I don’t want to display?

    [wpdm-accordion cats=”770″] <—so for example I want all the subcategories of 770, except for 798

    • Shahriar

      No option to exclude subcategory.

      If you want to show just one subcategory why not just insert the shortcode for that subcategory?

  • Juan Alvaro Sanabria


    Is there a way to show the category description?


  • carlos

    hello, ji have purchased this plugin, but i have a dude:

    is possible to auto expand all the accordion on page load?


  • sergio

    i bought the plugin but it does not work. When i click de category.. not accordion. I do not see the subcategories or files

  • webartistic

    I have a theme called Divi and this plugin doesn’t seem to be working. I switched to another them and it worked perfectly. Have you seen this issue before?

  • DanWPdownload

    Your demo page for this does not work. Do you have other examples or is this plugin dead?

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  • Packege Info:
  • Version2.1.3
  • File size2.77 KB
  • UpdatedMay 18, 2024
WPDM Accordion
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