Advanced Custom Fields

Advanced Custom Fields - WordPress Download Manager

Advanced Custom Fields Plugin will enable you to use unlimited custom fields and field groups with WordPress Download Manager. You can create different custom field groups as per your package needs. This Add-on will be helpful for you if you want to show additional package information in a formatted way. Also, you can use this add-on to extend the email lock feature, when need to capture additional data from site visitors.

Advanced Custom Fields Add-on Features:

  1. Create Unlimited Field Groups
  2. Create Unlimited Fields
  3. Easy to use form field generator
  4. Optional/Required form field
  5. 6 Different Field Type Support
  6. Auto generate template tag and PHP code snippet
  7. New! Add additional fields with user registration form
  8. New! Customize front-end package form
  9. New! Add Custom Field with Email Lock Form, you can capture additional information from the user before downloading the package
  10. Export custom data captured with email lock
  11. Custom field groups support, in case you need to collect different types of info information from users for different downloads.

Admin Interface for Creating Custom Fields:

Advanced Custom Fields - WordPress Download Manager.png

Generated Meta Box Preview:

Advanced Custom Fields Admin Options Metaboxes

Add additional fields with WordPress user registration form:

Add additional fields with wordpress user registration form

Change Log:

Version 2.3.1 | Released on Jul 04, 2024
  • Fix! Fixed a compatibility issue with wpdm v3.2
Version 2.3.1 | Released on Jul 01, 2024
  • Update! Enhanced System Optimization and Compatibility Assurance Update
Version 2.3.0 | Released on Oct 29, 2023
  • Update! Compatibility update for the wpdm 6.4.2
Version 2.2.8 | Released on Nov 15, 2022
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with the quick form
Version 2.2.7 | Released on Oct 15, 2022
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with the edit profile fields integration
Version 2.2.6 | Released on Jul 12, 2021
  • New! Improved admin ui
Version 2.2.5 | Released on Jul 04, 2021
  • Update! Compatibility update for wpdm v6
Version 2.2.4 | Released on May 25, 2021
  • Fix! Fixed the issues with radio and checkbox field
Version 2.2.0 | Released on Nov 05, 2020
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with required option
Version 2.1.0 | Released on Sep 25, 2020
  • New! Added support for custom email template tags
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with the quick form shortcode
Version 2.0.0 | Released on May 19, 2020
  • New! Improved Radiobutton, Checkbox, Dropdown/Select and textarea field
  • New! Added new option to re-order fields
Version 1.9.6 | Released on Dec 20, 2019
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with bootstrap 4 css
Version 1.9.5 | Released on Nov 22, 2019
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with the checkbox field
Version 1.9.4 | Released on Sep 07, 2019
  • Upgrade! Compatibility update for WordPress Download Manager Pro v5 ( EPSILON )
Version 1.9.2 | Released on May 16, 2019
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with user registration custom fields
Version 1.9.1 | Released on Apr 04, 2019
  • Fix! Fixed an issue with user signup form field save
  • Upgrade! Upgraded dropdown field, you can use value and label in a line separated by | , like option_value|Option Label
Version 1.9.0 | Released on Jan 24, 2019
  • Fix! Fixed required field saving issue
Version 1.8.0 | Released on Nov 22, 2018
  • New! Added new option to add additional fields with user registration form
Version 1.7.4 | Released on Feb 02, 2018
  • Fix! Fixed the issue with checkbox field
Version 1.7.3 | Released on Jul 20, 2017
  • Fix! Fixed the warning save settings  when no fields are available
Version 1.7.2 | Released on Jul 06, 2017
  • Fix! Fixed the warning with custom form fields
Version 1.6.1 | Released on Feb 09, 2017
  • New! Added support for front-end uploader
Version 1.6.1 | Released on Jul 23, 2016
  • Fix! Fixed issue add custom field
Version 1.5.3 | Released on Feb 25, 2016
  • Fix! Fixed issue subscriber export with custom field
  • Success! Improved UI
Version 1.5.2 | Released on Feb 13, 2016
  • Fix! Fixed issue with dropdown field
Version 1.5.1 | Released on Feb 12, 2016
  • Fix! Fixed issue with checkbox
Version 1.5.0 | Released on Feb 11, 2016
  • New! Added user input requirement option ( required/optional field )
  • New! Custom fields are searchable now
Version 1.4.1 | Released on Sep 04, 2015
  • Fix! Fixed is issue with input data validation with text field
Version 1.4.0 | Released on Jun 24, 2015
  • New! Option to add custom field with email lock form

Comments [ 50 ]

  • scottwgravesgmailcom

    We want to be able to display JUST the values of the the custom fields. No CSS, or goofy tables and styling.

    On a previous post, you indicate there is shortcode that will meet our needs:

    Specifically, you write: “you can show any specific custom field using short-code [wpdm_cf custom field name], for example if you just want to show the value for “File Types”, simply use [wpdm_cf File Types] , which will show the value “HTP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PNG”.

    When we use this shortcode per your instructions, it does not work: [wpdm_cf CityName]

    We also tried this shortcode and it does not work: [wpdm_cf City Name]

    When we use this shortcode: [wpdm_acf-CityName] we see a formatted table THAT WE DO NOT WANT.

    • Shaon

      Please download the add-on again to get the updated version 1.1.0 , there we have added new template tag [wpdm_acf-GroupName-FieldName] for showing specific field value

  • nurmans

    In your example, where will the product appears ? in the widget ?

    • nurmans

      *product info

    • Shaon

      You can show Product Info data in link/page template using template tag [wpdm_acf-ProductInfo] ( the tag mentioned under the box ) or you also can show that putting the php code mentioned there in your theme template.

  • dhewlette

    In a template, can you hide custom fields that are empty?

    I added a custom field to a link template used in the directory/search add-on. For items that do not have data in this custom field, the custom field’s shortcode displays in search results.

  • twomuch

    I want to be able to hide most of the package settings from showing on the Package settings page and the package page.
    That is i want to be able to HIDE the following.
    Link Label:
    Stock Limit:
    Download Limit:
    / user
    Reset Limit for All Users
    View Count:

    Download Count:

    Package Size:

    Allow Access:

    Individual File:
    Don’t Allow Inidividual File Download Allow Inidividual File Download
    Link Template:

    Reset Key

    I don’t want want users to see most of these because it confuses most of them. I just want users to have a straight forward upload process without complicated stuff. And i dont want it also show on the front page/Package Page.
    Can i achieve this with this addon? If not, which addon can i use to achieve this?

  • RK

    Hey, when I put a TextArea it removes some HTML formatting.
    I’m using those fields into my page template to display blocks of HTML data in a certain way, but it removes the   tag and some other probably too.

    Any workaround?

  • RK

    the “nbsp” tag.

  • RK

    Also, how can you add logic in page template to check if custom field has value?

  • Hansjörg Jäckel

    Hi Simon,

    is this an specific WPDM Add-On to handle integrate the ACF PlugIn in a proper way, or is this the normal ACF PlugIn purcased by you?

    • Shahriar

      This add-on is not the ACF plugin from This is a separate plugin to add custom fields in Download Manager packages.

  • Martino Hugo

    How to show custom Field only visitor, and do not show all Group Member

  • Kudu Srl

    we need to add custom fields in email lock request form and we need these fields to show in “Subscribers” page.

    Is it possible with this add-on??

    Thanks in advance

    • Shahjada

      Yes, possible.

      • Jefferson Enriquez

        How to do that? I create a Custom Field Group, but it is now showing on Email Lock settings.

        • Shahjada

          To create field group for email lock, you need to create it from quick form menu in wpdm setings. Then select the group when enabling email lock on edit package window.

  • Aman Jhawar

    Does this addon allow me to add on extra fields to the registration form ?

  • DPSI Partner Relations

    I have a test site where I want to use this addon first to make sure I can get it configured properly before adding it to our live company site. If I activate it on the test site and then deactivate it can I then activate it on our company site?


  • DPSI Partner Relations

    I currently have 2 add-ons activated on my site. Download notifications and Advanced custom fields.
    I have a custom field called cust_no which stores the customer number.

    First question: How do I get that new field to show up on the registration form?

    Second question: How do I show the customer number in the email that the administrator gets once a file has been downloaded?

  • DPSI Partner Relations

    I really need some help with the Email templates. Every time I make a change to the template it changes everything to unrendered HTML. For example instead of something showing as bold it now shows text.

    I have had this issue several time and they have fixed up my site for me, which is much appreciated.

    However, each time they reset the templates I go to make another change and it reverts back to the HTML showing.

    Is it possible to get this fixed so that I can edit the templates as designed without these issues.


  • Sergio Fonoll

    Hi, I bought the complement for custom fields to be able to add fields in the registration form and I don’t know how to do it so that I can add all the fields that I want. I hope help thanks

  • Guillaume Sac


    Once i created a “Quick form” in settings and selected it in “Additional Fields” in the Email lock protection, where do I found the informations users filled in frontend ? And why can’t I see those fields in the stats export ?

    Thank you

    • Shahjada

      You can see and export those data from Admin Menu ► Downloads ► Subscribers.

      • Guillaume Sac

        Thanks for the reply !
        How can I make this entry (Downloads > Subscribers) visible by editors ?

  • DPSI Partner Relations

    How do I add one of these fields to the email that is sent through the Download Notifications add-on. We need to show the Customer Number on the email that is sent to our Admins after a customer downloads a file that needs a password.


    • Shahjada

      Use email template tag [#REQUEST_custom_form_field/FIELD_NAME#]

      replace FIELD_NAME with proper field name from custom field settings.

      • DPSI Partner Relations

        I understand how that would work inside an email template, however, there is no email template for the email that gets sent to the admin when a user downloads a file.

        Right now I have edited the php in the plugin to add the text that I need. Is it possible to add a custom field to the php?


        • Shahjada

          Please update the download notification add-on, then you will have the email template to edit. Before this update, please delete the old version first. As, in this update, we have changed the plugin folder name

          • DPSI Partner Relations

            I have done that and I have seen the new template for the download notifications. I also added the code above however this is what is contained in the email:

            September 21, 2020
            Someone just downloaded an item from your site.
            User and package info:
            Downloader’s IP:
            Downloader’s Email:

            Package: PMC 8.1 Setup (x86) – Office 365


          • Shahjada

            Please post here and give me your package URL and temporary wp-admin login info to check and set this up there for you.

  • Anji Sandage

    Could this be used to add a field to a shared package that would show which user shared the file?

  • Axel Kurz

    Can we use custom fields with the archive filter?

    • Shahjada

      May you please explain a little more.

      • Axel Kurz

        I am using wpdm directory add on which allows you to filter package based on category, I was wondering if it is possible to add custom fields an additional filter parameter.
        But i guess it is not possible. Though it would be a nice feature where one can customize wpdm directory addon options with help of the filter(wp) of function.

  • Axel Kurz

    Hi, how can we select the default value while adding a radio button list?

  • brandon wheatley

    Is there documentation on how to add a field to the front-end file upload?

    • Shahjada

      The options are simple and self-explanatory. Go to Admin Menu => Downloads => Custom Fields, that area will give your options to create fields / field groups with the front-end upload form.

  • Harald Loewe

    Hi, we have the Advanced Custom Fields and would like to add more fields to the registration form. But when we create a Custom Field and then insert the ShortCode into the page, only the ShortCode is displayed as text. What are we doing wrong?

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  • Packege Info:
  • Version2.3.2
  • File size13.81 KB
  • UpdatedJul 4, 2024
Advanced Custom Fields
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