WordPress Private Message

WordPress Private Message Plugin allows site members to send private messages (PM) to each other or site admin. Users will have their own inbox and sent box. WordPress Private Message Plugin is a great choice for you if you want to implement a front-end messaging system for your users.

WordPress Private Message Plugin Features:

  • 👍 An authorized user can send messages to any user ( or admin ) on your site using their username
  • 👍 Front-end inbox for managing messages
  • 👍 Sent message box to track history
  • 👍 Control message limit for different user roles
  • 👍 Enable/Disable messaging between users and site admin
  • 👍 Receive admin messages to a custom email address
  • 👍 Send a message to any site members from the admin side
  • 👍 Control message sending limit based on user roles
  • 🚀 Admin can send messages to multiple users or users in any specific user role or all users in a single action

Live Chat with your visitors/customers:

  • ✌️ Awesome chat button  with an automated greeting at frontend to greet your site visitors/customers
  • ✌️ Admin page to manage chat sessions and converse with the online users
  • ✌️ Automated chat session termination due to inactivity
  • ✌️ Send email to offline user when admin replies in chat
  • ✌️ User can resume chat session from an email reply
  • ✌️ Shortcode [live_chat]  to embed chatbox in a page
  • ✌️ Chat button shortcode [live_chat_button] to open chatbox in a popup window
  • ✌️ Facebook Messenger support

Chat Automation using ChatGPT & Dialogflow:

What is ChatGPT?

You probably already know it. ChatGPT is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI, based on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture. The “GPT” in ChatGPT stands for “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” while the “Chat” part indicates its primary focus on conversation and natural language understanding. ChatGPT is designed to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses in a conversational setting.

The GPT architecture, from which ChatGPT is derived, is a type of deep learning model that has been pre-trained on a vast amount of text data, enabling it to understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. As a result, ChatGPT can perform various natural language processing tasks, including answering questions, providing recommendations, generating content, and more.

OpenAI has released multiple versions of GPT, with each iteration improving upon its predecessor in terms of size, complexity, and capabilities. ChatGPT is an instance of one such version (in this case, based on the GPT-4 architecture), fine-tuned specifically for conversational applications.

What is Dialogflow?

Dialogflow is an Artificial Intelligence software that enables the creation of applications for human-computer interaction. It utilizes natural language in conversations. Application developers are given the tools to enhance their app’s interaction features for their customers through AI-powered text and voice discussions. With Dialogflow’s help, developers can focus their time on other relevant parts of the creative process while the platform handles the standard protocols and functionalities requiring in-depth grammar rules. The applications you develop in the system use natural language processing. Dialogflow also features an in-line editor so that developers can write the code directly from the console.

Enjoy awesome features of Dialogflow:

  • ✅ Small Talk
  • ✅ Multi-Lingual Agent Support
  • ✅ Agent Creation & Management
  • ✅ Improve support quality even when you are offline

Show a notice to your site visitor:

As well as direct communication with the individual site members, sometimes, you may need to communicate with all visitors. You may need to show a cookie notice or a new offer or any message you want to show your site visitors, you can use this feature. You can create a notice customize colors and styles, add a custom action button, exactly everything you need to attract your site visitor to take the action. We are also using this feature to show offers on our site.

  • 📢 Show global site announcement
  • 📢 Schedule accouterments for a future date
  • 📢 Auto-expire announcements after a certain date
  • 📢 Show cookie notice easily
  • 📢 Custom positioning and styling for announcements
  • 📢 WooCommerce integration, show product update notice ( upcoming )


Included with The Special Pack
This plugin is included with The Special Pack and eCommerce Pack. If you already have the Special Pack, you can get it free from there.


WordPress Private Message is now a full-fledged plugin. Doesn’t have any dependency on the WordPress Download Manager.

How to use:

  1. After purchasing WordPress Private Message, you can download the plugin from Premium Download Area
  2. Install and activate the plugin.
  3. Go to Admin Menu ► Messages ► Settings menu to configure the plugin:
    WordPress Private Message General Settings

    Email Settings:
    WordPress Private Message Email Settings

    Chat Automation Settings:

  4. Configure the options as per your need and click “Save Settings”
  5. If you want to show the private message option on a separate page, create a from Admin Menu ► Pages ► Add New and use the shortcode [private_message] ( Demo )
  6. Use shortcode [unread_msg_count] to show unread message count
  7. The private message option also will be available with the wpdm frontend dashboard ( Demo ).
  8. If you want to embed live chat on a particular page use shortcode live_chat ( Demo ).
  9. Use shortcode [live_chat_button] to add the live chat button anywhere and the button will open the live chat window in a popup on click
  10. Use the following shortcode on post or page to show a button to contact the author:
    [pm_to_author label="PM to Author" title="Contact Author" color="primary"]

    Shortcode to embed the form on the page:

    [pm_to_author_embed label="PM to Author" title="Contact Author" color="primary"]
  11. Use the following shortcode on post or page to show a button to contact a specific user:
    [pm_to_user id=USER_ID label="PM to User" title="Contact User" color="primary"]

    Shortcode to embed the form on the page:

    [pm_to_user_embed id=USER_ID label="PM to User" title="Contact User" color="primary"]

View Changelog

Comments [ 203 ]

  • mirko

    Are there shortcodes in this addon?

  • mirko

    Not all strings are translatable by WordPress plugins (for example wpml or loco translate) because not all string are translatable ready.


  • Chijioke Solomon

    Hello, does this add-on come with membership subscription? Also, can the admin make a broadcast message to all members at once? Do you have a demo product to see how this works?

    • Shahjada

      The broadcast feature is not available yet, but coming soon. Also, the private chat option will be available from the next update.
      Private Chat

    • Shahjada

      For the demo link, please check the first button on the right column.

  • Aditya Arts


    when compose, I did not find the “to” column.
    there are only subjects and messages.

    Please provide information for use?

    • Shahjada

      For To option, please check ” Allow members to send message to other site members ” from pm settings:
      Allow members to send message to other site members

  • Webstruction

    Hi, when can we expect the update with private chat ?
    Also is there a possibility to add attachment to the message and chats ?


    • Shahjada

      It will be available within the next few days, as you can see in demo demo.wpdownloadmanager.com/wpdmpro/, we are already done, just doing some extended test.
      Yes, we are also working on attachment, link preview, and message button feature.

    • Shahjada

      The update is available now.

  • Chris Haff

    Can this interface with real email?

  • Chris S


    is it possible to contact users within a post ?


    • Shahjada

      Do you mean, sending a message to the post author? We shall a shortcode for that with the next update of the plugin.

  • Alex Wright

    I need a message system that is Admin to user only. 1 on 1 messages in real time. Can this handle multiple conversations at one time 1 on 1, Admin Client?

  • Capan Dogan

    Hi, I would like to show only a message box (text area) without Subject and “To” (all messages only to admin if possible) areas. I want to give feedback to their answers through private messages. I want to use it as a short answer form in my LMS education website. As my students are very little I need only the message box to insert inside posts by shortcode. If it is possible as I described I can buy it. Best Regards

    • Shahjada

      If you disable member-to-member message and keep only member-to-admin message active from private message settings, it will hide the “To:” field. However, no option to hide the “Subject” line yet. However, your idea seems good and noted for implementation.


    Hi, do you have any trial demo for this plugin?
    I really wanted to try in my website before buying!

    • Shahjada

      No such trail option is available, but we have full open demo, you may check every feature from here.

  • Jahanur Miah

    can it automatically reply to the guest user’s query?

  • Jahanur Miah

    where I received live chat messages? I cant see live_chat message anywhere.

  • Jahanur Miah

    I am not able to reply throught private live tab, not came properly please help me

  • Roberto Ascencio

    is it available on spanish languague? i need it in case you don´t have it.


  • Apps Advisor

    how I can enable the “TO” for only the admin, I don’t want to wait for the users to start the communication ? there is some senarios when the Admin want to send email to a specific user or a group of users ( this option is a must ! )

    Also want to know how I can use the plugin as a stand alone, not as a wpdownloadmanager addon !


  • Mikus Rubenis

    I have a few questions about the features. Firstly – is there a feature that allows you to ban certain words and symbols from being used? Secondly – Is there feature that lets the admin confirm messages before they are sent out? And lastly – can you limit to which people messages can be sent?

    • Shahjada

      # Ban word option is not available yet, but it is in our to-do list.
      # ” Is there feature that lets the admin confirm messages before they are sent out?” — No such option, if we see some other request for this feature, we shall add it in our to-do list
      # Option is not available yet, you only can enable or disable user-to-user communication.

  • Ossi Jalonen

    I’m just trying this plugin out and from the above it seems private chat between users would be possible in the front-end, but I can only see the regular messaging and the live chat which is with an admin. Is there no instant messaging between users like the screenshots above suggest?

  • viji vijayan

    is it possible to receive privet massage from client to admin 1 and admin 2 or editor, other roll at the same time ?

  • Sean Turtle

    Hello there. Is there a demo version of this, and can messages be sent to groups/multiple recipients?


  • idriss madir

    It is possible to send a private message to a user via contact form 7 ?

  • Sean Turtle

    Is it possible to inject custom fields into the email notifications? i.e. I need to inject a person’s job title / image when the system notifies a user that they have an email.

    • Shahjada

      Looks like that is not possible yet, but may you please explain me a little more, so that we can add it with the next update of the plugin.

      • Sean Turtle

        I’d like to list ACF fields next to each user. So, rather than use a gravatar image, for example, I have a custom field with an image, instead.

        • Shahjada

          We are working on an admin chat view like this:

          On the right column, admin will be able to see the user profile.

          • AA


            When this will be available ? any ETA ?

            It looks nice 🙂

  • pinyuan chen

    1. I’m also intested with the function sending message to the post author via shortcode. Is the option available now?

    2. does [live_chat] works between non-admin user?

    • Shahjada

      #1. Please use shortcode:

      [pm_to_athor label="PM to Author" title="Send Private Message to Author" color="primary"]

      in page/post content to add “PM to Author” button.

      #2. We are adding that option soon, for now, site visitors only can chat with site admins.

  • Clickeart

    Do you know when the option to chat between users can be activated?

    • Shahjada

      Still working on it, will be available with the next update, user to user chat, contact management, and global site notice feature.

  • Clickeart

    How can I implement the notification bell of the messages received in the menu bar?

    • Shafayet

      At this moment we are adding an admin menu drop-down to preview inbox messages and a notification bubble to show unread messages count.

  • Clickeart

    Thanks for your answers. How can I translate all the texts into Spanish?

    • Shafayet

      You can get the translation file template `private-message.pot` from `/private-message/languages/` and create your Spanish language file `private-message-es_ES.po`.

  • Admin AIADR

    I need to show the users (members directory) on a page. What is the shortcode do I need to use to achieve that?

  • Clickeart

    good morning, how can I link a form in gravity forms to send a message to an author?

    • Shahjada

      It will require some code customization. However, here are the parameters to send a PM:

      Endpoint URL:

      POST DATA:
      send_to => USER_ID
      subject => “Subject”
      message => “Message”

      X-WP-Nonce => wp_create_nonce('wp_rest')

    • Shahjada

      The [wpdm_authors] shortcode is with wpdm pro, no with the private message plugin, but, we shall add it with the private message plugin too, soon.

      • Mak Dodan

        Hi, I’m not sure if this is the same problem. I would like to get the user to send a message to the author from a post from a button in the post! Is there an option to do this?


        • Shahjada

          You can put the following shortcode on a post or on a sidebar widget to show a button to allow users to contact the author:

          [pm_to_author label="PM to Author" title="Send Private Message to Author" color="primary"]
  • akhil raj

    hey can you create short code for each elements in menue

    like for
    compose message
    for inbox
    for sent


  • Clickeart

    Hi, do you know the approximate date of the new plugin update?

    • Shahjada

      Within this month, also there will be a new feature coming with this release, named “Announcement”. Using this option site admin will be able to add notices/announcements at the front-end for the site users with action buttons.

  • Martijn


    I am trying to translate the plugin to dutch with the LOCO translate plugin but it wont translate anything..
    It creates all the right files but it wont change it in the front end of the website… any reason why i cant translate the plugin?

    • Shahjada

      I just tested with LOCO translate plugin, the private message is plugin fine:

      Please post here https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/support/forum/download-manager-pro/ to check your setup.

      • Martijn

        Is it maybe because i only use the private message plugin? and not the download manager plugin..
        i only need the private messages… not the download manager

        • Shahjada

          There is no dependency on the download manager plugin.

          • Martijn

            Found the problem, can’t translate because the .POT file doesn’t have the words that are on the front-end of the plugin… only some words that are found in the backend.

            words like ” Whitelisted Contacts” “Compose” and “Welcome” that are in the frond end aren’t there… so that’s why it doesn’t change in the front end because the strings don’t match.

            Can you please update your plugin with the ‘GetText‘ formula…. the plugin is great but this should be a native feature in every plugin in this day and age..

          • Shahjada

            Sure, Checking and updating SOON :).

  • Mahir Barut

    Hi, I installed but I can’t see private message in user dashboard, can you help me please

  • Phillip Reinhardt

    So can you send message to entire group? For example – have users labeled volunteer. Can I send message to all volunteers (without having to tick all 109 volunteer profiles)?

  • Phillip Reinhardt

    Is there a way to make it where all the members or roles can message all other roles like the admin? I have a group of volunteers who were using another plugin, that had that capability – but the plugin is no longer working (hasn’t been updated in some time). This group of volunteers work at gift shop in a hospital. They get their schedule monthly. At which time, some may need to trade schedules with someone else due to a conflict. They use this plugin feature to send out a message to all other volunteers, to see if someone is willing to trade a shift. So I would need the functionality of them being able to choose all volunteers role (which I created in user profile). Is this possible?

  • Phillip Reinhardt

    Is the above comment possible?

  • Patrick Roelofs

    Is there a joomla compatible plugin available?

    Please advice,

  • marco borsetti

    posso integrare questo plug-in in un sito di linsting, dove gli utenti inviano messaggi privati a pagine personali di venditori?


    • Shahjada

      Yes, you can, use shortcode `[pm_to_athor label=”Button Label” title=”Send Private Message to Author” color=”primary”]`.

  • marco borsetti

    Salve, l’amministratore ha la possibilità di approvare i messaggi prima che arrivino al destinatario?


  • marco borsetti

    Se la realizzi, lo compro, grazie

  • marco borsetti

    Se la inserisci, lo compro, grazie

  • Simone Chiapparini

    Hi, trying to translate to Spanish, downloaded the .po file from /private-message/languages/ and renamed it -es.po. Uploaded the po file BUT I cannot see any of the front end words (Compose, Sent, Inbox, Contacts, Message, Subject, and so on…), I guess I’m missing something here, any idea what I did wrong?

  • Jelle Waterbeemd

    Hi, I have a few presale questions.

    – Is it correct that I can use this plugin as a standalone plugin on my wordpress site? I want users to be able to chat with each other but I will not be using the wordpress download manager. I want to know if I can still use it then.
    – If my customers log in using a default wordpress login page, will they automatically be registered as a user in this plugin as well? Or do they have to log in through another portal? Are the users from my wordpress site automatically integrated/copied as users in this messaging plugin?
    – Can I show the message dashboard/private messages in the frontend Woocommerce dashboard so users can check their messages in their Woocommerce dashboard instead of your WordPress Download Manager dashboard? As I mentioned before, I will not be using your WordPress Download Manager. If so, how? Do I need to use a shortcode?

    I hope everything I asked above is possible, then I will be happy to buy this plugin!

    Kind regards

    • Shahjada

      Thanks for your interest. Here are the answers to your questions:
      — Yes, it is a standalone plugin, no need to use download manager
      — Yes, default login and signup is okay, need to go through a separate process
      — Yes, you can integrate it with the woocommerce account page using any woocommerce account tab manager plugin or also can use the shortcode on a separate page. The shortcode is `[private_message]`. There are a few other shortcodes, explained in `How to use:` section above on this page.

  • Peace David

    Please I can’t find the settings for the plugin to Show global site announcement and notices

  • Cristian Pozzer

    HI, there’s a way to get the number of unread messages programmatically way? (or similia ?)

    • Shafayet

      You can use the following code:

      //$USER_ID <--- replace it with the user's ID you want  count the number of unread messages
      $key = "__msg_status_{$USER_ID}";
      $unread_message_count = (int)$wpdb->get_var("select count(*) from {$wpdb->prefix}postmeta where meta_key='{$key}' and meta_value='new'");
  • Branislav Dostanić

    Hi there,

    Before I buy the plugin, I have some questions:

    1. When did you start developing this plugin and where can I find the full changelog?
    2. Is it fully compatible with WP Bakery?
    3. Can you please provide me with a function and a shortcode that counts the unread messages? I would like to use this is menu that shows a number of unread messages to users, similar to something you see on Facebook or any similar social network.
    4. When I as admin send a message to all users or group of users, will they also get an email that they got a new message or not?
    5. When will you release the next version and what improvements can we expect?

    Thank you in advance.


    • Shahjada

      Thanks for your interest, here are the answers to your questions:
      #1. Initial release date Oct 19, 2019, we shall add changelog soon.
      #2. So far we didn’t find any conflict report, but, Our plugin is guaranteed to function on a clean installation of WordPress. We do not guarantee it will function with all 3rd party plugins or with all web browsers. ( https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/terms-and-conditions/ )
      #3. You can use the code <= PrivateMessage()->message->countUnread(); ?&gt to show unread message count
      #4. Yes, they will get an email.
      #5. We are actively developing this plugin, soon, we shall move it to a separate site of its own, and we are working on WooCommerce integration and improvements on pm automation.

      • Brando

        Hi Shahjada,

        Thank you for your reply and info provided. The only thing I’m concerned is question number 3. For this purpose, I will need a function AKA shortcode that I can implement wherever I want on any page or in the menu. If this is possible and you could provide me with this, I would gladly purchase the plugin.

        And new question, 6 – Does the “members” also come with this plugin, this one > https://demo.wpdownloadmanager.com/wpdmpro/all-members/
        If yes, I will need a way to present users/clients only with certain roles, not all site users…is that possible and will you also add a search and maybe some filter options?

        Thank you in advance.

        Best regards,

        • Shahjada

          Okay, we shall add a shortcode for that.
          Yes, members list is with this plugin using shortcode [wppmsg_members cols=4], we shall add additional filters with the next update, so you will be able to do that.

          • Brando

            Hi Shahjada,

            Awesome, tnx! Can I expect this shortcode (question 3) in the next release or you will provide me with the function and shortcode after I purchase the plugin?

            Thank you in advance.


          • Shahjada

            It is already added for the next update :), however, we are also working on some other improvements, next update is coming real soon.

          • Chandrakant pawar

            Have you added filters in new version?

          • Shahjada

            Yes,, use shortcode [unread_msg_count]

  • Brando

    Hi Shahjada,

    I really like your plugin, however, I have noticed that your plugin is causing my server to load intensively (CPU and RAM) and I needed to disable the plugin until we resolve this. My hosting provider confirmed that too, please see the screenshots > http://share.dreamweb.rs/ljm/20210331-sGGswcg9zQ.png

    I hope you can help me to resolve this issue.

    Thank you.

    Best regards,

    • Shahjada

      Hi, We are using perfectly in our several high traffic sites without any trouble. Probably your server configuration is too low to handle the requests sent by the plugin to check new messages. But, you can reduce the requests by increasing message check interval from PM settings:
      Also, we are preparing an update with firebase support, then you can use firebase to store PM data instead of your server.

  • Quentin Seb


    I’m looking for a messaging (chat) plugin, but I need it to have some particularities :
    – Only one user (user 1) role can create a new conversation
    – User 1 will receive an anonymous form from the other user (user 2), he than needs to be able to create a conversation with user 2 without seeing his name. I have access to user 2’s ID, but user 1 won’t be able to see his name.
    – On my website, if user 2 no longer wants to be anonymous, he has to click on a button to display his name.
    Do you think it would be possible to hide user 2’s name and when he clicks on the button, his name is revealed when chatting on the conversation with user 1 ?

    I know this is a special case, but I really need these features for my solution to run well. If you think it’s possible and, even better, if you know how to do this, I will buy your plugin immediately!

    Thanks in advance for your answer!

  • Ammar Ibrahim

    I tried to use this but not working

    [pm_to_author label=”Button Label” title=”Send Private Message to Author” color=”primary”]

    I want the costumer send message to admin ?? how ?

  • Ammar Ibrahim

    I did , thanks

  • Sebastian Bachmann

    Hello, i want buy your message plugin. Can I use a shortcode to send a message to a specific user? With a link or button. If so, can you please write me this shortcode. Or its only possible to send a message to post author?

    • Shahjada

      Hello Sebastian, You can send a message to a specific user using the following shortcode:
      [pm_to_user id=USER_ID label=”Button Label” title=”Send Private Message to Author” color=”primary”]

  • Sebastian Bachmann

    Thank you for your quick response. I have another question. See the User always the menu items Profiles, Affiliates, Downloads, etc. in the dashboard or can I hide these menu items so that the logged in users only see the messages? And does the message plugin also work with the current WordPress version?

  • Sebastian

    Hello, I bought the Plugin Private Message and have a problem with the translation into German language. I translated it using Loco Translate. It always works very well. But unfortunately I don’t see any translations. Everything is still in English. Do you have any tips for me? Do I have to rename the file or set something else? The name of the translation file is private-message-de_DE.po and is in the same directory as the plugin

  • matt krebs

    Hello, is there the ability to accept payment or tips inside the messenger plugin?

    • Shahjada

      Not with the native option yet, but you may take payment using the integrated FB messenger option. However, we shall integrate the payment option using WPDM and WooCommerce from the PM/Chat window soon.

  • Norm Green

    Will this plugin work with geo directory so that users be able to contact the listing owner/author?

    • Shahjada

      This plugin will word with any standard WordPress setup, no dependency on WordPress Download Manager.

      • Norm Green

        Ok. What about the user info on the right side of the message? Where is this information being called from.
        Is it possible to link the authors name to their public wordpress author profile?

        • Shahjada

          We shall add some extended options for this with the next update, there also will be an option to hide the sidebar as well as linking the author to the profile page.

          • Norm Green

            OK great.
            Another few questions:
            1. Is it possible to add custom fields to the send message form?
            2. Is it possible to add more info to the sidebar which shows the detail about the message author/user? I need to be able to show links to the authors posts. Do you think that’s possible?


          • Shahjada

            Those features will require some code customization and we have a dedicated customization team in case of your need ( https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/download/custom-upgrade-service/ ).

  • Norm Green

    Would you consider to to add a reply rating feature in the future so that user knows how fast they can except to get a response from user they sent a messaged/chat to?


  • Zoker

    Hi there,
    I searching for a plugin, that allows users to send messages to each other. But instead of having an email like interface (like you message interface), I would like to have a chat type of interface. Something like this: https://i.imgur.com/1A2B2XL.png
    So one user can only have one conversation with another user (and not multiple) and the messages are just like chat messages.
    This interface should be located on one specific site and not like a chat button on every page. I hope it is understandable what I need. Can I archive this with this plugin? So something like a hybrid between the message and the chat function of your plugin. Thanks!

  • Ali Ofluoğlu

    Can we set limit like 2 messages to admin per month?

  • Moeed Mehmood

    hello please help me how to member of website chat with each other using this plugin i install plugin but can not see the option to chat mmber on frontend

    • Shahjada

      User-to-user chat is not possible yet. But, they can communicate with PM. However, we shall enable chat room and user-to-user chat soon.

      • Moeed Mehmood

        if not possible yet why you add in above this feature “👍 An authorized user can send messages to any user ( or admin ) on your site using their username”
        i purchase plugin and install that for this purpose for online chat with member but you display wrong information and this is not good kindly tell me the procedure to get back the payment

        • Shahjada

          Yes, that’s what I’m saying, a user can send private messages to another user. But, chat is only for a site user to admin, however, we are enabling u2u chat soon.

          • Moeed Mehmood

            how to send private messages to users to each other tell me i check your plugin user send message only admin not user

          • Shahjada

            You need to enable it from settings:
            Allow members to send message to other site members

  • Leo Ma

    Hi Shahjada,

    We wish to purchase this plugin. However, there is a question that need to be confirmed.

    The question is: we wish to add a form to our users to fill in and then send the private message for the admin only. This means we wish to add some columns such as ‘Name’/’Date’/’Gender’ etc. Rather than ‘to’ or ‘subject’.

    Is it possible to fulfill this feature?

    Thank you so much for your help.

    Yours Sincerely,

  • Elliot Mersch

    Hi – Great product. We are using the PM portion on our site and it is working nicely. Few questions:

    1. How can we disable email notifications when private messages come through?
    2. How can we allow non-admins to delete messages from their inbox? Currently, this only works for admins – not subscribers.


    • Shahjada

      Glad to hear that.
      1. Disable email notification option is not available yet. But noted for implementation.
      2. We are checking the message delete issue from front-end for subscriber, if there are anything to fix we shall adjust it with the next update.

  • Mitch DN

    Regarding this shortcode
    [pm_to_user_embed id=USER_ID label=”PM to User” title=”Contact User” color=”primary”]

    Is there a way to redirect to another page on submission of the form? for example i would like it to redirect to a page that displays all private messages for the user

  • shaun haage

    Hi, Loving the what this plugin offers. Does the ability to send an email notification exist when there is a message reply? We are looking at customising the plugin to enable this ability.

  • Laxya Aale

    Hi presales questions,
    I have been setting up a real estate user listing site atm. It has contact form 7 integrated on it but I am not using it as it has only user email contact feature. So my concern is, is it fully compatible to integrate with it so that wp logged in user can send message via single property page ? The theme has a built in dashboard and can it be add message tab on it? Thanks

    • Shahjada

      Yes, possible
      “can it be add message tab on it? ” <-- it seems like a custom design and may require to change some code in your theme.


    Does this have the option to restrict messaging between user roles?

    • Shahjada

      The is an option to control the message limit for user roles, if you want to disable a role, you can set `Message Limits` = -1 for that role.

  • Scott Kohl

    If the admin is offline, can the plugin send a email if a member send a message.

  • James Nash


    How do we remove the social links from the default email template?

    Thank you,

  • Allan Kilic

    Hello, I have 2 questions.
    1. Is there a way to prevent the users to send a new message x minutes after their last message?
    2. Is there a way to prevent the users to reply to their own message.

    In my project, private messaging is ONLY for allowing users to contact the admin.
    The admin doesn’t want to get plenty of daily messages. He wants to allow users to send one daily message and that’s all.
    If the time delay is not possible, at least users shouldn’t be able to send a new message UNLESS it’d be a reply from an admin’s message.


    • Shahjada

      Here are the answers to your query:
      #1. No such option yet, but noted for the future implementation
      #2. No, also, noted for implementation.

  • Robin Lorenczat


    are there any docs for this Plugin? Maybe hooks for WordPress?


    • Shahjada

      Usages are explained on the page above. And we are still working on dev doc. In the mean time, please let me know your specific query, I shall explain it to you.

      • Robin Lorenczat

        I use the formidable forms plugin. I already implemented the chat in the entries page, where the submitted forms from a specific user are displayed. I took the username from the corresponding url to find the user id and used it so I can message this specific user.

        Now when the admin in the dashboard clicks on a chat with a user he needs to see the entries from this specific user. Did you create any hooks I can use to place these entries below and get the user id?


        • Shahjada

          Yes, I also created an example code snippet form you:

          BTW, update private message plugin too.

          • Robin Lorenczat

            Thank you very much for your effort! 🙂

          • Robin Lorenczat

            Sorry to bother you again, but is there any way to get the current user id in my php snippet?

          • Robin Lorenczat

            Got it myself with $message->receiver->ID .

          • Shahjada

            Excellent, that is correct. And to get sender’s ID use:

          • Robin Lorenczat


            do you plan to add more shortcodes like showing messages from a specific user or chat?

            I need to know if I can use this plugin in the future for other projects. That’s why I’m asking those questions.


          • Shahjada

            We may, if those are useful for our users, we are actively working on this. So, no worry 🙂

          • Robin Lorenczat


            I translated plugin strings with loco translate, but it won’t show. I then tried to move the translation file to the languages folder from wordpress and it translates the plugin in the dashboard but breaks the front end site where I placed one of your shortcodes.

          • Shahjada

            Your need to select language file location from loco translate settings, however, please post in forum https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/support/forum/download-manager-pro/ forum detailed explanation.

  • Robin Lorenczat


    how can I implement my own E-Mail Template. Or can I just edit one of yours?


    • Shahjada

      Yes, you can edit exiting email template or you may design your own template following current template tags. You need to create dirs inside your active theme dir: /private-message/email-templates/ and place your email template there.

  • Nicholas McKee

    Hi there, prospective purchaser here.

    Quick Question – is there a way of restricting user account types to user account types. I am currently building a football coach to player b2b platform and would like only players to talk to coaches and vice versa, not player to player or coach to coach?

    • Shahjada

      You can restrict chat for specific role, but restrict chat within users with same role is not possible yet, but it seems like a good idea, and noted for implementation with the next update.

  • Robin Lorenczat

    Hi again,

    how can I disable auto renew?

  • Deep Fork


    I’m having trouble with the [private_message] shortcode.

    When a user clicks on an individual message that was sent to their Inbox, nothing shows up. Once an individual message is clicked, I can see a div with id=”viewmessage” with added class=”active show” in dev tools, but nothing in that tab is visible or interactable on the frontend.

    A solution would be much appreciated!

  • mitchell c

    With the latest version of the plugin.
    I noticed that it complains about vue.component when running as a shortcode


    i was able to find the issue,
    on line 300 of plugins/private-message/private-message.php
    wp_enqueue_script(“wppmsg-vue”, ‘https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue’);
    this will load vue 3.4.0
    your project seems to be only vue2,

    this breaks in production.
    if you change it to wp_enqueue_script(“wppmsg-vue”, ‘https://unpkg.com/vue@2.6.14/dist/vue.js’);
    it will work.


    in the Class Function __Template for the function locate.
    i think you could make some changes,

    the second argument is $tpldir
    it should be stripping
    the line

    $template_dirs[] = get_template_directory().’/private-message/’.$tpldir.’/’;
    would result in an unobtainable path.
    because this is your theme directory + _DIR_ from when this locate function was called.
    Please check

    plugins/private-message/src/Message/MessageController.php line 79 for refrence of _DIR_ being used in the second paremeter.

    Why does this matter?
    when pulling in the templates to your stylesheet directory.
    I have to put everything in the private-messages/*.php. directory
    when it should be

    for the example on line 79, i would expect it to find the php from theme-dir/private-messages/views/pm-front.php
    however it does not, and finds it at theme-dir/private-messages/pm-front.php

    Happy to communicate directly with you on working on these fixes together.

    • Shahjada

      Thanks for your detailed explanation. But seems like you are using an old version, as in the latest version 3.7.1, we are not using vue js from CDN.

      However, trimming $tpldir was a good suggestion, we have done that for the next update.
      But private-messages/**/*.php in side the child theme is not necessary, as you can keep the template files directly inside private-messages/ dir in your child theme.

  • Saleh Abdulla

    1. Can you please elaborate more about the flow where users can send a private message/direct message to each other?

    2. The mailinbox how does it actually work, am I suppose to setup the users email address?

    3. In mailbox when I try to compose by sending new inbox how can I find my contacts? As typing to see suggestions is not a user friendly

    • Shahjada

      Thanks for your queries.
      1. By default user can send message to site admins, but site admin can enable the option to allow user to use messaging option, then users can send a private message/direct message to each other.
      2. No separate account setup is needed, also, still users can’t reply directly from their email, they need to click reply link and it will land them to your site message/mailbox.
      3. For that, admin need to allow user-user messaging option ( as mentioned in #1 ). Then user will be able to search their contact by name or email. Alternative way is, if go to contact menu and send me message to your any contact from there.

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  • Packege Info:
  • Version3.7.1
  • File size3.40 MB
  • UpdatedJul 18, 2024
WordPress Private Message
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