If you like, you may enter custom structures for your wpdm category and package URLs here. For example, using "packages" as your category base would make your category links like http://example.org/packages/category-slug/. If you leave these blank the defaults will be used.
Caution: Use unique word for each url base. Also, don't create any page or post with same slug you used for WPDM URL Bases below.
WPDM Category URL Base: Category base url for download manager.
WPDM Package URL Base: Single package base url for download manager.
WPDM Feed URL Base: Feed base url for download manager.
Access Settings
When user is not allowed to download: If role based access is set for any package and if current user role is not under the enabled role: if you set "Only Block Download Link" user can view package details but will not be able to download packages. If you set "Hide Everything" user will not see those packages.
File Browser Root: Root directory for server file browser in "Add new package" page.
Facebook APP ID: Enter your Facebook application ID here.
Email Verification Settings
enable this option if you want to check for invalid domain name
you can use this option to block the domains those provide temporary mail address. Add one domain name per line
You can block specific email addresses using this option. Add one email per line
Upload Settings
Use this option when you want to overwrite existing file in server or not when upload a file from PC.
Plugin Update Notice: If you Disabled this settings, you will not get any update message fro download manager plugin.
Permission Denied Message for Package: If user role access is enabled with any package, if current user is not allowed for that package, this message will be displayed.
Category Access Blocked Message: If user cannot access current category, this message will be displayed.
Login Required Message: If login is require for current download, user will be displayed with this message. if you want to show login form inside message box use short code [ loginform].
Show Only Login Button Instead of Login Required Message: Check this link if you want to disply login button instead of login require message.
Misc settings
Twitter Bootstrap: Select "Active" to activate twitter bootstrap to your site. If bootstrap is already installed to your site, you can disable twitter bootstrap by selecting "Disable Both".
Link Template for Archive Page: Select a page template for archive page here.
Save Settings
Finally click "Save Settings" button to save your configuration.
Last updated on Aug 31, 2017
Need More Clarification?
For any technical issue, if you are already using pro version please post in pro forum and free version users please post in free forum. Otherwise, if you have any pre-sale or order related query please contact live chat support team. For technical support.
Need Customization?
If you need additional customization on WordPress Download Manager or any type of custom support on WordPress you may contact our customization service.