Details About WordPress Site Health Tool

Details About The WordPress Site Health Tool

Do you know what the Site Health tool in WordPress is? How does it help you to check your site performance?

In other words, the WordPress Site health tool is your site’s complete security and performance checker. Not only this but also it gives you instructions on how you can improve your site performance.

In this article, we will describe the details of the WordPress Site Health tool and its features.

An Introduction To “Site Health” In WordPress

From WordPress 5.2 to the latest version, WordPress added a new optimization tool named “Site Health tool” which measures your site security, and performance and also gives instructions on how you can improve your site. It is remarkable to make your site secure and has an easy user interface for getting more and more visitors to your site.

Moreover, the WordPress Site Health tool also provides details about your site configuration and shows health status, info, and passed tests with explanations.

Are you thinking now about how you can check your website health with the WordPress site health tool, right??

We will show how you can get it with detailed explanation. So, let’s get started to know.

How to Check Website Health with WordPress Site Health Tool?

First, update your WordPress to the latest version since the Site Health tool is only a new feature of WordPress’s latest version.

Now, Simply head over to the WordPress admin dashboard and then go to Tool  →  Site health to access this new feature.

Admin dashboard tools menu

In an earlier iteration, at the upper side, you would see a percentage that gives an overall site health status of your side. In recent updates, the percentage is removed with a simple status as “should be improved” or “good“.

check website health with wordpress site health tool

Then below, there are two tabs, one is the status tab that shows the status of your site health and the other is the info tab that displays detailed information related to your site.

Site Health Status

The Site Health Status gives all the necessary information about your WordPress configuration and some recommended improvements that require your attention. This status will vary depending on different sites. It is mainly divided into three sections: critical issues, recommended improvements and passed test. These sections are checked in terms of security and performance categories.

site health status
  • Critical Issues – It shows what critical issues occurred on your site with respect to security and performance categories. Also, it tells what to do about them being removed.
  • Recommended improvements – This section also gives some recommended actions to be followed by which you can improve your site health.  
  • Passed tests – It gives the number of no issues detected items in detail.

Site Health Info

This option gives you every detail about the configuration of your WordPress website. This option is very helpful for developers to get the information they need from users faster.

site health info

Below, we will show the list of different issues in their respective categories.

  1. WordPress – It shows your WordPress configuration details like Version, site & user language, home URL, site URL, permalink structure, default comment status, user count, etc.
  2. Directories and Sizes: It gives the WordPress directory location & size, upload location, and size, theme location & size, plugin location & size, total installation size, etc.
  3. Active Theme– It displays the name of your active theme, version, author website, parent theme, theme feature, and theme directory location.
  4. Inactive Themes – It gives the number of all inactive themes with details
  5. Active Themes –  It gives the number of active themes with detailed information.
  6. Inactive Plugin – It shows the names of all active plugins, versions, and also the author names of this plugin.
  7. Media Handling – It exhibits the name of Active editor, ImageMagick version number, string, GD version, and Ghostscript version.
  8. Server – It reveals all information about your server setups such as server architecture, web server, PHP version, PHP time limit, PHP memory limit, max input time, upload max file size, post max size, .htaccess rules, and more.
  9. Database – The database option provides its extension, server version, client version, database user, host, name, prefix, etc.
  11. Filesystem Permissions: It displays whether WordPress can write to the directories it needs access to. 

If you want to export the list of all the information on this page, you can use the “Copy site info to clipboard” button to copy the information to the clipboard. Then you can easily paste it into a text file and save it to your device. Or, you can paste it in an email exchange with a support engineer or theme/plugin developers when they need it.

Tips To Get A 100% Site Health Score

Here, we will give some tips that will help you get a high score in the Site health tool,

  • Always up to date on your WordPress
  • Maintain themes and plugins up to date
  • Remove all unused and inactive themes and plugins
  • Keep the latest PHP version
  • Use the latest version of a Database Management System
  • Always enable WordPress Automatic Updates
  • Turn off the WordPress Debug Mode
  • Keep Enable your WP-Cron Job
  • Enable Rest API in WordPress
  • Take a Better WordPress Hosting


 To sum up, Site Health is a great tool for checking and optimizing some aspects of the security and performance of your site. To make your site healthy and rich, you always should follow all the tips that we mentioned in our article.

We hope this tutorial is helpful for you to learn the Site health tools, and their features in detail. To learn more about WordPress, you can check our WordPress-related articles.

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