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Bulk Import

Use this feature to import multiple files at a time, from your web server, or you can import files from a CSV file. You can set Categories, set visitor access, change the title for each file, add a description for each file, and also can set passwords for each file.

Bulk CSV : Directory Import - WordPress Download Manager

Details for each section is given below:

Import files from Server

  1. Step 1: Select a directory from Dir Tree, where you uploaded your files using FTP.
  2. Step 2: Click "Set as Import Dir" to load files associated with the selected directory. Files will be listed on the right side section.
  3. Step 3: check the checkbox at the first column of each row you want to import. You can change the title of the file, add a description and set passwords for each file.
  4. Step 4: You can assign categories to your files. Select categories from the category list. Note that, selected categories will be added to all files you selected to import.
  5. Step 5: Select User role(s) to control user access to the imported files.
  6. Step 6: Finally Click "Import Selected Files" button to import your files as packages.

Import from CSV File

  1. Prepare the CSV file
    1. Download attached sample CSV file
    2. Follow the same format of sample data to add new data
  2. Select CSV file by clicking "Browse.." button
  3. Click "Import CSV" button

Column headings for CSV file:

Heading/Field Name Description
ID ID of an exiting package, for the cases, you are updating exciting packages
title Package title
description Package description
category Package categories, multiple category names within double quote and each should be separated by comma, ex: "cat 1,cat 2,cat 3"
preview Featured image, relative image path from uploads dir. Upload images in any dir inside wp-content/uploads/. Ex, if your image path isĀ  wp-content/uploads/wpdm-import-images/featured-image.png, in csv file add the relative path wpdm-import-images/featured-image.png
access User role id(s) separated by comma, ex: guest for all visitors access, for selective role access "subscriber,author,editor,another-role"
uid User id, if you want to assign author, otherwise skip it
files Absolute file path from your server, if you keep the files in download-manager-files dir, use just file name, if you want to add multiple file, file names are separated by commas and keep them within double quote "/dir/path/file-name-1.ext,/dir2/path2/file-name-2.ext,file-name-3.ext"
file_titles If you want to add custom file title for each file, file titles are separated by commas and keep them within double quote "PDF Ducment,Terms and Conditions,License File"
file_passwords If you want to add a separate password for each file, skip if you don't need a separate password for each file. Passwords are separated by commas and keep them within double quote "pass1,pass2,pass2"
file_prices When you are selling this package, for example, a music album, you may want to sell individual songs, you need to add a separate price for each song, skip if you don't need. Prices are separated by commas and keep them within double quote "5.00,6.50,4.50"
download_count If you want to set a initial download count for this package, should be a positive intergent value.
view_count If you want to set an initial view count for this package, it should be a positive integer value.
version The version number for this package, ex:1.0.0
link_label Download button/link label, by default, it is Download, if you want to change, use any text you want. No html, use only text.
quota If you want to set a stock limit, ex if you are distributing a ticket with a limited seat. It should be a positive integer value, 0 = Unlimited.
download_limit_per_user If you want to set a download limit per user, for example, if you want each user will be able to download it 2 times, use 2. It should be a positive integer value, 0 = Unlimited.
package_size Sum of total file size, it will be auto calculated for local files, if you are attaching files as URL you need to put the file size here.
individual_file_download 0 or 1, Disable or Enable single file download when you attached multiple files with this package
template Link template ID
page_template Page template ID
password_lock 0 or 1, Disable or Enable password lock
password Password for this package if you enabled password lock
password_usage_limit If you want to put a limit for each password usage, ex, if you use 2, each passwords can be used twice, then it will expire
email_lock 0 or 1, Disable or Enable email lock
email_lock_idl 0 or 1, Disable or Enable instant download for email lock
tweet_lock 0 or 1, Disable or Enable tweet lock
facebook_lock 0 or 1, Disable or Enable Facebook like lock
googleplus_lock 0 or 1, Disable or Enable google connect lock
package_dir Server dir path, if you want to attach a dir with this package
create_date Create date, YYYY-MM-DD
update_date Update date, YYYY-MM-DD
publish_date Publish date, YYYY-MM-DD, if you want to make the download available in fiture date, skip it of you want to make the download available instantly
expire_date Expire date, YYYY-MM-DD, if you disable download after a specific date, or you may skip
icon Icon URL
base_price If you are selling this package, use any floating number, ex: 19.00
sales_price If you are selling this package, use any floating number, ex: 19.00

Last updated on Dec 22, 2023

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For any technical issue, if you are already using pro version please post in pro forum and free version users please post in free forum. Otherwise, if you have any pre-sale or order related query please contact live chat support team. For technical support.

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