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Takes a package ID and returns the database record for that package.


<?php wpdm_get_package($id); ?>

Return Value:

Return package data in an Array if package exists


To get the title for a post with ID 2:

   $package = wpdm_get_package(2); 
   echo $package['post_title']; 

To get the download count:

<?php echo $package['download_count']; ?>

Using new API

If you want to load package data in an object, use the following code:

<?php $package = WPDM()->package->init($ID); ?>

Here are the variables in $package object you can access directly:


class Package
    public $ID;
    public $title;
    public $description;
    public $excerpt;
    public $files;
    public $post_status;
    public $version;
    public $publish_date;
    public $publish_date_timestamp;
    public $update_date;
    public $update_date_timestamp;
    public $avail_date;
    public $expire_date;
    public $link_label;
    public $download_count;
    public $view_count;
    public $access;
    public $author;
    public $quota;
    public $icon;
    public $package_size;


Show file list table:

<?php echo WPDM()->package->fileList->table($ID); ?>

File list extended:

<?php echo WPDM()->package->fileList->extended($ID, 400, 300, 4); ?>

Image gallery from attached images:

<?php echo WPDM()->package->fileList->imageGallery($ID, 400, 300, 4); ?>

Check if a package is locked:

<?php $locked = WPDM()->package->isLocked($ID); ?>

Check if a package is locked using a specific lock option ( ex: is terms locked? ):

<?php $must_agree_to_download = WPDM()->package->isLocked($ID, 'terms'); ?>

Check if a package is password protected:

<?php $password_protected = WPDM()->package->isPasswordProtected($ID); ?>
Last updated on Jul 8, 2021

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