Creating a new page with shortcode [wpdm_frontend ] (without spaces) will allow your site users to sell product to your site.
By using this shortcode a complete front end access will be created with all necessary feature needed to create, edit or delete products/packages, View sale status and earnings, edit profile etc. Details for each section is given below:
Here you can view the list of Packages/Product here. Note that, user can only view his own Package/Product. User can view, edit and delete Packages/Products here.
Creating a package from front end is same as creating a package under WordPress admin panel. To adding a new package you can refer to this link: Add New Package. For adding a new package for Premium Package you can follow the instruction here. Add New Package
Here user can track their product sales, earnings, balance etc.
For any technical issue, if you are already using pro version please post in pro forum and free version users please post in free forum. Otherwise, if you have any pre-sale or order related query please contact live chat support team. For technical support.