WordPress Download Manager Pro v3.2.3 has been released. Its basically bug fix release on 3.2.2. We mainly fixed some issue with email lock and rebuilt it to give you better experience. Here is how email lock will work now:
If you want to enable email lock for a package please check “Enable Email Lock” under “Package Lock Settings” while adding or editing a package
So when visitor will try to download the package / click on download button a form will slide down and visitor will be asked for email address. When visitor will enter email and click on “Submit” button, the download link will be mail to that address and the email address will be stored in database.
Every valid email user entered to get download link will be stored in database and you can see those from “WP Admin >> Downloads >> Emails” menu. In first window you will see the list of emails and other options for deleting and exporting emails. 2 types of export option exists. type 1: “Export CSV” this will export all emails with other info id, package title, date. And the other option “Export Unique Emails” will export only unique email addresses in csv format.
So if you need this option, we suggest you to update your copy now. The download is available in your order page as always. BTW, We are still thinking for additional option to add with this feature, if you have something in mind, you may drop it to support@wpdownloadmanager.com.
if you already using 3.1.x: