Creating Sales Funnel with WordPress

How To Make Sales Funnel For The First Time In WordPress

Finding leads and converting them into customers is the most difficult thing for a business owner. If you don’t have a solid sales process pipeline, you won’t be able to reach your potential customers and attain your goal. Building a sales funnel is an essential marketing technique to convert your prospects into customers. Though this process might appear tricky, it’s not actually. You don’t even need any skills in coding to create an irresistible sales funnel. Then why miss out on your potential customers? Let’s make a sales funnel for your WordPress site.

In this article, we will show you how to make a sales funnel for the first time. But before that, you need to know what the sales funnel is and why you need it. Let’s get into it!

What Is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel is a marketing term that maps out the journey of a potential customer from initial contact with your brand to their eventual purchase. Just like its name indicates, a sales funnel is the widest at the top and the narrowest at its bottom. Each stage of the funnel pushes the most qualified prospects into the next stage. Also, drop those that are not a fit for your offer. The main goal of the sales funnel is to convert your prospects into buyers and encourage them to follow a series of predefined steps.

Steps of Sales Funnel:

The AIDA model divided the buyer’s journey into four stages, it may vary from person to person. We are going with the four most common terms. We will explain to you how each stage works as a consumer goes from a visitor to a prospect to a lead to a buy.

1. Awareness:

The first stage of the sales funnel is called “awareness” because this is when the consumer becomes aware of your brand. They visit your website for the first time, which they found from an ad, Google search, or a post shared on social media. At this stage, the prospect learns about your existing solution, product, or service, helps them learn the value of the product, and starts building a relationship and trust. They might also become aware of the problems that they need to solve and the possible ways to deal with them.

2. Interest:

This is the stage when consumers think about the problem they’re trying to solve and conduct competitive research to make sure they are offering the best solution. When consumers reach the interest stage in the sales funnel, they research, compare their options, and think about how your service fits in with their lifestyle. This is the time when you can attract them with some great content targeting their specific needs but don’t push them to sell. Pushing your product or service from the beginning may turn off prospects and chase them away. Your goal should be establishing your expertise, helping the consumer to make an informed decision, and offering them help in any way you can. If the lead is interested in your offer, they progress to the next stage of the funnel.

3. Decision:

The decision stage of the sales funnel is when the lead will determine if they want to buy your product or service. They pay more attention to what you offer, including different packages and options, so they can make the final decision to purchase. This is the time to make your best offer. You can offer free shipping, a discount code, or a bonus product using sales pages, webinars, calls, etc. Whatever the case, make it so irresistible that your lead can’t wait to take advantage of it.

4. Action:

At the very bottom of the sales funnel, the lead completes the checkout process by finalizing the deal with you. Your interaction with a customer doesn’t end with a successful stage. Express gratitude for the purchase, invite your customer to reach out with feedback, and make yourself available for tech support.

Why You Need a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel gives you an opportunity to set the stage for a constant flow of sales, instead of continually chasing them.

Understanding your funnel can help you find the holes in the funnel, the places where prospects drop out and never convert. These insights allow you to invest in the right marketing activities and channels, create the most relevant messaging during each stage, and turn more prospects into paying customers.

It also helps you to build trust and credibility over time by providing incredibly valuable content. Gaining customers’ trust will give you potential leads and loyal customers to the point where they feel like they can’t live without your products or services. And that’s the reason you need a sales funnel.

Tools You Will Need to Create A Sales Funnel:

  1. A Lightweight Theme: According to Google, around 50% of visitors don’t wait longer than 3 seconds to load the site they visit. If your pages take a long time to load customers might walk off. A lightweight theme makes sure your pages load fast. We recommend premium quality themes like Attire, CollibriWP, Astra, and Neve.
  2. E-commerce Plugin: To build a sales funnel an E-commerce plugin is a must. With an E-Commerce plugin, you can configure your online store details, payment method, and shipping information. The best two WordPress E-Commerce plugins to build a sales funnel are Download Manager and WooCommerce.
  3. Sales Funnel Builder Plugin: Sales funnel builder plugins help guide your customers throughout the sales process. So, it is best to install a sales funnel builder plugin such as CartFlows to help you make fast progress.
  4. An Email Marketing Service: Email marketing services allow you to send emails automatically according to the user’s actions such as joining an email list, downloading a lead magnet, and abandoning shopping. It allows you to introduce your product or service and ensure that you stay on top of your prospect’s mind. To choose the best email marketing service check this, 5 Beat Email Marketing Services.
  5. Page Builder: Page builder plugins help to design WordPress pages with less effort and in a short amount of time. We need to add a landing page, thank you page, and pop-ups for the sales funnel, page builder plugins can do it with just drag and drop. The most popular page builders for WordPress in the market are Elementor, Divi, and Visual Composer.

How to Make a Sales Funnel:

As we already learned about the tools needed to make a sales funnel, now it’s time to know how those tools create a sales funnel in WordPress. Let’s take a closer look at every step of creating a sales funnel.

Step 1: Install The E-commerce Plugin

how to make sales funnel

The first step toward creating a sales funnel is installing an e-commerce plugin of your choice. So, download and install the Download Manager plugin. You will also need to add payment gateways to your website so that your customers are able to make payments online. Go to “Download” on your menu bar and select “Add-ons”. Download Manager provides 21 gateway add-on options there, install the payment gateway you would like to enable and manage. You can offer multiple gateways, so customers can select their favorite methods. Once done with your payment gateways, then add your products.

Step 2: Install Your Desired Theme

how to make sales funnel

As speed is crucial to driving conversions, at this step you need to install a lightweight theme on your site. In this example, we will install a free theme and that is Attire. Attire provides seamless performance for any type of business and digital product selling site. This theme makes sure that your visitors get an idea about your whole business in a second. This theme is also compatible with all major page builders like Elementor, Divi, Visual Composer so it will make your next step easier.

Step 3: Install Page Builder Plugin & Build Your Pages

Now, you will need to install the page builder plugin. You can install the Elementor plugin to build key pages quickly and easily. A solid sales funnel should have a landing page, a thank you page, and a pop-up. Elementor is a free core page builder plugin and Elementor Pro is a paid add-on that will let you add forms and popups.

Landing Page:

If your prospects click on an ad, sign up for a webinar, or download an ebook, they’ll go to a landing page. A landing page will most likely be the first time prospects learn about your company so it should steer the visitor toward the next step.

To create the landing page, go to “Pages > Add New”. Select the “Edit With Elementor” option above the page, which will open the page builder’s editing screen. To add elements to your landing page, drag them from the left-hand menu and place them on your page.

Make sure the landing page has a form for prospects to enter their information — you want to capture their email address so you can continue to communicate with them. Also, include a Call-to-Action (CTA) button on the landing page. After building your landing page, click on Publish to make it live.

Thank You Page:

The next page you should create is a thank you page for confirmation of what action has been taken. Such as if a customer downloads your digital product you can simply thank him by saying “Thank You for Download”. You can create a thank you page exactly the way you created a landing page.


If you didn’t put the signup form on the landing page you should create a pop-up. To create a pop-up in Elementor, navigate to “Templates > Popups > Add New”. Create a name for your pop-up, click on Create Template, and create your pop-up using the drag-and-drop editor.

Step 4: Connect Email Platform to Page Builder

At this step, you will need to integrate your email marketing software with the page builder. By doing this when user will enter their email address on the signup form the email automatically will be added to your selected email marketing service list.

Step 5: Install & Configure WordPress Cartflows

how to make sales funnel

The last step of creating a sales funnel is to install the funnel builder plugin and create the funnel. To do these tasks Cartflow plugin is the best option. Follow the same process that we did in installing the Download Manager plugin.

Once you activate the plugin, go to “CartFlows >> Flows>>Add New”. You may select from its template library or create your own flow.  Select “Create Your Own”, you will need to add a title and edit the steps in the funnel. Your landing page should be first, followed by the thank you page. You can also add new pages to your flow using Add New Step and drag them to the correct location.

It may take time to create and optimize a sales funnel but it will be an excellent way to boost your business. Hope this article helped you to get a clear idea about the sales funnel and how to create one. Also, check our other articles like Challenges of Running a Digital Store and their solution and Optimize Your Online Store Performance.

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