Get to your files from anywhere, on any device, with Microsoft OneDrive. Share and work together with anyone in your work and life. OneDrive Add-on for WordPress Download Manager helps your to explore your one drive files and share them directly from your site. For free plan your will get 15 GB of free storage.
Settings up OneDrive Add-on:
- Register your app
- Click on “Add Platform” and select “Web” from popup
- Enter redirect URLs as shown in following image:
- You can also upload your application logo, which will be displayed in the picker and saver experience
- To get an app ID (client ID) and client secret.
- Set in admin settings:

Martin Duys
I think these instructions are now out of date. The add platform dialog box looks very different for me on onedrive.
Doc still valid, please follow the steps exactly.
The platform screen is different than your instructions. For the redirect url field, you can only enter a url that begins with “https://” vs. “http://” as used in your example. I am having difficulty using your addon as my site does not begin with “https://”. Any suggestions?
The platform screen also has a “Logout URL” field to complete as well. The “Target Domain” field in your example is no longer there.
Now they require https. You can get a free SSL cert from here
Hi, Do you need to have WPDM Pro for OneDrive integration to work?
It will work with the free version in the same way as the pro version.
Erik Hoffmann
Hi, can this plugin be used to show all files from one Onedrive-Folder, or is every single file added separately?
If it’s possible to show all files from one folder, are files added automatically, when new files are uploaded to this folder, or is it required to update the downloads manually?
That is not possible with one drive, but you can do that using the Dropbox add-on
divine villa
does this still works
Roberto Ascencio
where i get the redirect uri?
We are updating instructions soon.