Any moderator who can respond to this request? There is supposed to be support for this problem.
I have exactly the same problem. My clients are complaining about this. Any moderator who can respond and correct this problem? urgently
In the following post, together with another colleague we explain the problem with the “WordPress Pro Membership” add-on.
Read it. We need some solution and update about this problem.
It’s been more than 3 months and we don’t have any solution or response from the WPM moderators… For this we are paying the license of your plugins?
My clients keep calling me a scammer for this “wpmembership pro” plugin unsubscribe issue and the developers don’t seem to care..
It is assumed that when we paid for the license of this “wpmembership pro” plugin it was to receive support, updates and improvements… what a lack of seriousness.
In previous posts we pointed out the serious problem that the plugin has and they don’t even deign to respond or report the follow-up of the update.
what happened?
I am also interested in this function, how much will you charge to add it?
What happened with the update of this plugin?
any news? When will the next update be released?
You must request and perform these enhancements to the plug-in yourself.
Like I said above, they should follow the lead of paid membership pro, or 90% of other membership plugins.
If a user cancels their renewal, their monthly subscription must remain active until the end of the period.
They should improve, add more features and pay more attention to this subscription plugin, it will increase sales in your company.
I have the same problem, I have received several complaints from my users about this.
When the user cancels his recurring subscription, the benefits should continue until the end of his paid period.
The wpmembershippro developers should fix this and follow the example of other membership plugins like paidmembershippro.
– It can’t be possible for a user to pay a subscription today… cancel your subscription tomorrow to avoid paying the automatic renewal and automatically lose all the benefits of your subscription that lasted 1 day.
I have been labeled a scammer for this problem.
Please fix this.
I have the same problem. For several months I have this problem, I have created threads, I have given them admin access and they never solve anything.
The moderators are dedicated to making updates to other plugins… except this one… which is very essential for subscription websites.
where should that code be placed?
I also have the same problem, I have made several topics talking about this and the moderators say to make a request or suggestion.
It seems that we are talking to bots.
This problem appears in the categories and tags filter in “gutenbergs blocks”. I hope they can fix this.
I hope you fix this soon!
At this time, for security reasons, I don’t want to give you the admin credentials of my website…
It would be better if you tell me the file and the line of code that I have to modify.
which files should I edit? to add: (Debit or Credit Card)
Hello Nayeem, any news?