wpdm-all-packages hide files without download permission

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Phil Duclo

I am using wpdm-all-packages but it is showing every file instead of just the files that are downloadable. I would prefer to hide the files that don’t have permission to download.

So right now the permissions work, but I only want to see files I have permission to download. Not every file.

Is that possible with wpdm-all-packages? It seems to behave that way for tree, but not all-packages.



Hi Phil,

Sorry for being late to reply.

You can easily differentiate that with the category. Use a new category for the ones you want to hide. In the category slug(see below), just don’t use that category. Just create a shortcode like below:

[wpdm_category id="Category Slug or Slugs" operator="IN" title="Custom Title Here or 1" desc="Custom Description or 1" toolbar="1" paging="1" order_by="field name" order="asc or desc" items_per_page="10" template="template name or ID" cols=4 colspad=2 colsphone=1]

Hopefully, this will solve your issue.


Salahuddin Ahmed


Juan Gordo

We are considering to purchase this plugin, but this is something that we would need, hide all files by default and only make visible the ones each user has access to. Is that possible at all?


Sidratul Sohrat

Yes, that’s possible, for that you need WPDM Pro and Advanced Access Control add-on.

Advanced Access Control


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