Protect the download with username and password

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 weeks ago by Milo De Soricellis.
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Milo De Soricellis

Dear developers,

in order to have a more secure and standard protection solution, it would be a nice feature to have the possibility to add a username protection together with a password. It could be with a similar principle of the already implemented password protection, which is, in the backend I can configure a list of allowed username which will be validated upon the insertion in the web browser. The technical detail to manage in the backend configuration is the pairing with a password, in fact if I activate this lock option with username & password, the software should always check if the username is available in the list, together with the corresponding password.

Best regards,



You can do that using the Advanced Access Control addon. When creating a package just select the usernames and only these selected users will be able to access the package.


Milo De Soricellis


thanks for the hint!

I purchased and installed the package you suggested and I have seen I can define a list of username members who are allowed to download the file. But I am not able to manage the username insertion field on the frontend web page; I still have only the password lock.

Can you help me further please?

Best regards


Milo De Soricellis


I want to update you. In the meantime I was able to understand how the login form logic behind works and I have implemented it correctly.
Thanks a lot!

Best regards


Massimo Volpini

hELLO, I would like to know if there is possibility to add box ENEBLE EMAIL LOCK COMPANY NAME

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