Disable URL for download and just keep shortcode

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Concurseiro PRO

Is there a way to disable the url of the files and keep only the shortcode of the file on the page where it should be downloaded?
For example. If I want people to download the files only on the page I determine, without the person clicking on the link and being redirected to the downloads page, because in this case, anyone with the link could download it. The idea is that it stays only where I determined that they download it, without accessing the url page. did you understand?


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Leo Almeida,

Hope you are well. Are you meaning download the files where the shortcode is placed? For that, you can customize the link or can also use prebuilt link-templates, to customize link templates you can use template tags from here,

Template Tags

for the download URL, you can use
<a href="[download_url]" class="btn btn-info">Download Now!</a>
Or you can also use [download_link]

And for backup safely your files, you can follow this doc,

Template Files

please check and let me know

Thank you and regards

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