Adding custom template files – how to

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Michelle McGinnis

For everyone searching on this topic and getting frustrated because all the answers are either “give me your admin login” or they’re hidden in the Pro forums – this is how I figured out to customize the page-template-default.php file in my (child) theme:

In FREE version of Download Manager – copy that file from the plugin folder’s /tpls/page-templates/ to your theme’s /THEME-FOLDER/download-manager/page-template-default.php. IE, put it in the root of a new /download-manager/ folder in your theme.

In the PRO version of Download manager – copy that file from the plugin folder’s /tpls/page-templates/ to your theme’s /THEME-FOLDER/download-manager/page-templates/page-template-default.php. IE, put it in a sub-folder called “page-templates” within new /download-manager/ folder in your theme.

This is how I’ve made things work in each version.



Hi Michelle, Thanks for using WPDM and the guides. We have already a docs and how to’s for the template creation and you can do it from your admin options.
Please check the link if that helps.
Thank you


Michelle McGinnis

Kazi, yes, but I’m a developer and wanted to follow the following instructions so I could save my templates in my theme rather than in the database: Those instructions didn’t work consistently which is why I wrote this post, for others having the same issues.



Nayeem Riddhi

Hello @friendlywp,

Have you checked the doc,, it should work then. can you please more clarify on the point of your query


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