Ability to ‘select’ multiple files from a package to download at once

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Mike Doyle

Hello – one amazing feature would be the ability to checkbox the files from a package you want to download, and then press download to get just those files.

Example: Upload package of 5 files.
Options now are download all as a zip, or download each as a separate file.

Change: Upload package of 5 files.
Checkbox next to all 5 files, you can check any combination of the 5 and it makes a zip of those files specifically to download, if the user wants only 3 of the 5 files, for example.

Bonus: This can be achieved with an Email Lock still after someone selects the files they want.



Mike Doyle

Example of what I mean:

Example of what I mean!



please check:

WPDM – File Cart


Mike Doyle

Hey Shahjada – nice additional plugin! That would be a great feature to add to Download Pro – especially as it’s been out since 2016 and not updated for 2.5 years ๐Ÿ™‚

I noticed it will not work with Email Lock option selected though – and that’ is my main desire, so that people can choose files and then still submit their name/email to download.



it will work well with email lock, but bypass other lock options.


Mike Doyle

Oh! Okay cool – I just read ‘Note that, File Cart will not work for locked/private packages.’
I’ll buy it and try it out on my system. If that solves my needs, I will be so happy!


Mike Doyle
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Sorry for the confusion, file cart is actually bypass all lock option. There is an additional option with file cart is just to send the download link to an email address but it is not a mandatory option like email lock.


Mike Doyle
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