WordPress Download Manager Pro remote FTP storage add-on will help you to store your files on a remote server and add files from a remote FTP location in your package. You can explore remote FTP server locations and select any file from there to add to your package. If you add multiple files with a package enable individual file download.
How to Use FTP Auto-Import Dir:
- Create a dir in your FTP server
- Create a CSV file with all importable package data ( Sample CSV File ) and put it in that FTP dir
- Create another dir named
inside the FTP dir ( #1 )
- Put all importable file in
- Set up an everyday cronjob for URL
in your server
- Now the cronjob will check the CSV file every day for changes, if you add a new row there or update any row, it will be imported/updated accordingly.
Admin Options:

Attach Files From Remote FTP with your package:

Change Log:
- Update! Improved auto-update routine
- Update! Compatibility update for WPDM 6.2.2
- Update! Compatibility update for WPDM 6.1.4
- Fix! Fixed an issue with wrong class name
- Update! Compatibility update for php 7.4
- Fix! Fixed header already sent warning
- Fix! Fixed 404 errors originated from style and script
- Fix! Updated a core function call
- Fix! Fixed a warning with file list
- Fix! Compatibility release WordPress Download Manager Pro v4.7.4
- Fix! Compatibility release WordPress Download Manager Pro v4.7.2
- Fix! File was being populated as ##filetitle## in attached files metabox
- New! Added FTP auto-import feature
will this add-on enable my frontside users to access files on a remote ftp-site that i set up for this purpose?
No, front-end users will not have access to this add-on, But with next update we have plan to add user specific ftp access, then user from front-end will be able to use their own ftp account separately.
I have installed Remote FTP add-on (the exact name of the plug-in is wpdm-ftp-file-browser.zip, included in the WP Download Manager Pro Special Pack.
It works but I cannot see the field FTP Auto-Import Directory but only FTP Settings.
Thanks in advance for your support.
Please download again to get the latest version of ftp add-on. The feature is available now.
Can I use this plugin for a initial load of around 700 files?
And then just deactivate it?
My understanding of it is that i’d only have to create a CSV file and add the files to a FTP folder, and everything in the CSV file will be imported. Correct?
thank you
Sorry, that will not possible, without ftp add-ons, users will not be able to download those imported ftp files.
Ok, so I’d have to maintain this add-on for it to work.
You need to keep it active, but probably in future update it may work in the way you are trying.
After using the url to import, everything works fine.
But when I get the short-code, from the “All files” page and add it to a post, the front-end shows
for everyone of the files.
To solve this I have to enter each file and update it, this creates a master key (which is blank when I open it for the first time).
What am I doing wrong? Is there something in the CSV file I should be doing? Right now it looks something like this
Concorrência 01/2013 – Ata de abertura do (Envelope no 02)- Julgamento e Classificação das Propostas.pdf,,Baixar,,0,0,0,”guest”,template-default.php,75,,,36_concorrncia012013atadeaberturadoenvelopen02julgamentoeclassificaodaspropostasp.pdf,,,page-template-default.php,1,20130404,20130404
thank you
I add the files, using this plugin, and but when I click on the files I get the following error (in a .txt file)
Can’t open /public_html/wp-content/uploads/download-manager-files/auto_uploads/ATA REGISTRO PREÇOS – RP 02-2016 – FANEM LTDA.pdf: No such file or directory
But the file exists in this directory
What am I doing wrong?
David Hager
How do you refresh a remote FTP? I did a test and now switched to the final FTP, but the old one is still being loaded.
Change the FTP credentials in WPDM Settings >> FTP Tab. https://www.evernote.com/l/AUcewPm2WBhD74734Gdqrj7Sz76xATDrFhoB/image.png
Can the add-on calculate package size ?
No, it can’t. You need to enter file size manually.
Rafael Dominguez
Can this notify users that package is ready, after import packages?
Rafael Dominguez
¿hello? ¿anybody working?
Rafael Dominguez
Please can anybody answer? still alive ? Can this notify users that package is ready, after import packages?
Email notification is not added yet. But, noted for implementation.
Rafael Dominguez
Not a bad answer for more than a mounth of time to think abot it.
Rafael Dominguez
After last update (2.4.0) none ftp uploaded file show download counter, all are in 0. ¿what is this?
Rafael Dominguez
Uncaught Error: Class ‘Ftp’ not found in …..httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/wpdm-ftp-file-browser/wpdm-ftp-file-browser.php:749\nStack trace:\n#0
Change the name of the class ftp to WPDM_Ftp and not testing later is exactly what you did.
So this a clear example that you don’t even test your updates !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Worst support ever seen.
We do test, still, we could miss something, that is true with any developer team, but the main point is, we do take care of any found issue immediately. Also, for support and faster response please post in the forum: https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/support/forum/download-manager-pro/. However, a new update of this add-on is just released with the fix.
Rafael Dominguez
Shafayet you are a liying
You could not tested, because there was no way that the plugin works with a wrong class name, so is imposible that you tested. LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
FAST SUPPORT: ( i must misundertood “fast”)
Rafael Dominguez
Aug 18, 2020
Can this notify users that package is ready, after import packages?
Sep 26, 2020
Email notification is not added yet. But, noted for implementation.
As I said, this is not a tech support area, for support and faster response please post in the forum: https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/support/forum/download-manager-pro/. And update to 2.4.1. That will fix the issue.