Import Download Monitor Add-on will help you to import download monitor files to WordPress Download Manager Pro.
- Download, Install like any other regular plugin, activate
- Go to Downloads → Settings → Download Monitor Import Tab
- Click “Save Settings”
- Done!
Omar Filipovic
I’m evaluating Download Manager (DM) for a switch from Download Monitor (DLM), and It’s great that you have developed an importer for DLM files!
In my tests, everything seems to be imported except the tags from DLM. Could you confirm that this functionality works, please?
Also, is there an option to set up automatic redirects when the DLM files are moved to DM?
Thank you!
Just released an update. Now tags will be imported too.
Omar Filipovic
Thank you Shahriar. Can you comment on the other questions, please?
Omar Filipovic
Great – thanks Shahriar. Can you comment on the other questions?
Beraud Christophe
Hi, i am sorry but I have the same problem, no tag import of download monitor plugin !
Tag import should work fine, however, we are checking the issue.