Can you provide me a demo account that can upload large files
actually my client is losing confidence in this plugin so that I can share with him
how to check this network response can you please guide me
I have changed the the configuration by below setting please check I am still facing the same issue
@ini_set( ‘upload_max_size’ , ‘1200M’ );
@ini_set( ‘post_max_size’, ‘1200M’);
@ini_set( ‘max_execution_time’, ‘0’ );
by using WPCode please check is till the response is same
Hi Download Manager Team,
I am facing issues when uploading large files. If I upload a file between 10 to 15 MB, it works fine. However, when I try to upload files larger than 100 MB, the upload often stops after 4 to 6 MB or sometimes at 20% to 30% completion. Could you please help me understand why the plugin is not working for larger file uploads? We are using a DigitalOcean server.
I am facing some issue in dropbox as well
Please have a look into this as well
And also can fix the issue that was when i apply terms checkbox box is not working properly it is not redirecting to
Is there any way we can download direct from ?
Any update on this
The current version of WPDM rest api is Version1.3.3 and we are using the same
also I am not able to open plugin page to uninstall plugin
do i need to enable some settings from setting to enable direct download ??
Can you give me a demo account where i can test this
I need to show it to my client
And also, please share the additional step to make file direct downloadable
I found a option under package setting where i am able to see master key and there I see “Regenerate Master Key for Download” checkbox that say it is for direct download
I don’t understand what you want to say in you last two message
Can you explain it more
can I download files without redirecting to ?
Hi Nayeem
One of you post I found that it is possible with pro version
in screenshot one of you team member is giving this info
Hi Nayeem
Thanks for reply Hope you are doing well,
My question was specifically about Is there any way to download the file directly from without being redirected to their
Thanks Nayeem
I really appreciate it
I have One another question
Is there a possibility for the download to start directly on my site instead of redirecting to to download the file?
Thanks for the update
Please update me whenever the new version get released
Hi Nayeem, I hope this message finds you well.
any update on my query??
Hi Nayeem, I hope this message finds you well.
any update on my query??