Thanks for the help, I have tried the above steps but the results vary:
– Using Bulk Import, I can only set the Import Dir on the last directory and it will correctly import the files from this one directory. When I select a folder that contains subfolders nothing can be imported. We have thousands of directories and files, and need to import a top level directory, assign a category, and have WPDM create packages for each file and even for each directory. The display in the web page would be a tree view with expandable directories many levels deep. I cannot get this view, sorry.
– I’ve assigned directories to packages, but that also breaks the directory structure and shows thousands of files flat, with no organization. Nor does it allow for individual file downloads, just a single zip at the end of the page. Yes, I’ve selected ” Allow Inidividual File Download”.
– When I use the Shortcode for Tree View, the few files I can show all come up with “file-not-found.txt” error message. Are there restrictions as to the location of Directories / Files in relation to WPDM? I have set the “File Browser Root” to “/home2/asiancla/public_html/acipdb” WPDM is in a directory called “dev” at the same level, directly under public_html.
These are a few things that are blocking us from use at present, and I cannot resolve these issues after a lot of trial and error.
Any help is appreciated.