Ok, great, thank you. When will that update be just out of curiosity?
I see it’s automatically set to go to “Admin”. Why is this, even when I have other email addresses put into it? And how do I change that?
That worked, thank you! I just need to adjust it a bit. I have set it to notify a certain email in the “edit template” section of the download notification. But, it is sending it to the website admin email instead. How do I fix this?
Ok, that finally worked. Thank you! I realized that it was still registered to the sandbox development site. So I unregistered that URL and it’s good to go now.
Finally, my last question – how do I make it so that I receive a notification when someone requests a download? I would like to be able to be notified before logging into the dashboard and checking it. This was supposed to be in the next update. Please advise, I desperately need to get this done.
How would I do that – add it as an email template for admin? I am not aware as to where I would put. The clients want to know right away when someone requests a download and not have to visit the submission location every 30 mins to an hour to make sure they catch it fast enough. He would prefer to visit the dashboard everytime he gets a request. How do I make this a possibility?
Yes, that is what I am using. But, you are not understanding the problem. The person who has to approve this email lock download request needs to be able to be notified that someone has requested the download. THAT is not happening and I don’t see anywhere for this. They get a notification of the download, but when there is the email lock, they don’t get a notification that someone is waiting. How do I fix this?
It seems that this extension does the trick, but I am just missing one thing. I am not getting a notification when someone requests the download. So, I have email lock on. Once I approve the download in subscribers, I get a notification that someone downloaded the file. How do I use this extension to get a notification BEFORE they download – when they have just filled out the form – so that I know I need to go in and approve it. I don’t want to have to have this open constantly on my computer and always be refreshing the subscribers page. Does that make sense?