Need Email Notification BEFORE Download Approval

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My client has files on the website that need to be downloaded after approval. There is currently no way to make him receive a notification when someone submits this request. He only gets an email after he approves the download. But, that means he has to manually go into the WordPress dashboard all throughout the day to see if he has any download requests pending. This is very inefficient. How can I make it so that he receives an email that someone has simply requested a download, which needs to then be approved or disapproved. Thanks!




Thanks for contacting us.
This feature is already available in wpdm pro. It is the email lock feature. User need to provide email before downloading. You can set the wait for approval option. Check details from below screenshot.


Let me know for further assistance.



Yes, that is what I am using. But, you are not understanding the problem. The person who has to approve this email lock download request needs to be able to be notified that someone has requested the download. THAT is not happening and I don’t see anywhere for this. They get a notification of the download, but when there is the email lock, they don’t get a notification that someone is waiting. How do I fix this?




Thanks for clarifying. I have understood that.

According to your requirement, It can be added as a email template for admin. That needs feature request as you did correctly.
However, it is better to visit website dashboard everyday for a certain time to approve all. This might be what our users are doing. It could be a hassle for admin to visit dashboard every time he gets emails from all visitors if the website gets a lot of visitors.



How would I do that – add it as an email template for admin? I am not aware as to where I would put. The clients want to know right away when someone requests a download and not have to visit the submission location every 30 mins to an hour to make sure they catch it fast enough. He would prefer to visit the dashboard everytime he gets a request. How do I make this a possibility?




Currently the feature is not available. Your feature request is correct. You may wait for future updates. Though it is not guaranteed that we will add this feature in future updates.
If you need it urgently you can use our customization service here


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