Elsie Snyman

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in reply to: wpdm_search_result with categories #190307

Elsie Snyman

Here is the fixed function to add this functionality. I tested it and it works. Can you please add it? I don’t want to change your source code, as it will break whenever I do an update.

     * @param array $params
     * @return array|null|\WP_Post
     * @usage Shortcode callback function for [wpdm_search_result]
    function searchResult($params = array())
        global $wpdb;

        if (is_array($params))
        $template = isset($template) && $template != '' ? $template : 'link-template-calltoaction3';
        $async = isset($async) ? $async : 0;
        update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "__wpdm_link_template", $template);
        $strm = wpdm_query_var('search', 'esc_attr');
        if ($strm === '') $strm = wpdm_query_var('s', 'esc_attr');
	    //$strm = esc_attr($strm);
        $html = '';
        $cols = isset($cols) ? $cols : 1;
        $categories = isset($categories) ? $categories : '';
	    $items_per_page = isset($items_per_page) ? $items_per_page : $cols * 6;
	    update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), "__wpdm_items_per_page", $items_per_page);
	    $colspad = isset($colspad) ? $colspad : 1;
        $colsphone = isset($colsphone) ? $colsphone : 1;
        if (($strm == '' && isset($init) && $init == 1) || $strm != '')
            $html = $this->packages(array('items_per_page' ► $items_per_page, 'template' ► $template, 's' ► $strm, 'paging' ► true, 'toolbar' ► 0, 'cols' ► $cols, 'colsphone' ► $colsphone, 'colspad' ► $colspad, 'async' ► $async, 'categories' ► $categories));
        $html = "<div class='w3eden'><form id='wpdm-search-form' style='margin-bottom: 20px'><div class='input-group input-group-lg'><div class='input-group-addon input-group-prepend'><span class=\"input-group-text\"><i class='fas fa-search'></i></span></div><input type='text' name='search' value='" . $strm . "' class='form-control input-lg' /></div></form>{$html}</div>";
        return str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), "", $html);
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