WPDM Google Drive Downloads Getting 404 error

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david price

I’m getting the following error for any Google Drive downloads I create.

404. That’s an error.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.

I have access to my google drive through WPDM and can upload to the directory.

Direct download links give the same error.

Wordpress Version 5.9.1
WPDM Version 3.2.39
WPDM – Google Drive Version 1.5.1



Hello David,
Have you created new project properly from google API console mentioned below?

Google Drive Explorer

If still the problem persists, please provide related urls to check the issue properly also you can share admin access in a private reply.



david price
This reply has been marked as private.


The issue is the files are set to internal only in your google drive.
To fix this:

    Go to cloud console (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/)
    APIs and services
    Oath consent screen
    Ensure Application type is set to “public” and not internal.

I hope it will solve the issue.


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