Wish it would be more intuitive

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I have been thinking about using this product several times but find it incredible unlogical.
When I create a download package I assume that I am supposed to create a package of more than 1 file ?

I uploaded 41 mp3 files using drag and drop but only one file was listed as part of the download package.
Then I tried to upload only one product at the time but that didnt create a download package.

I want to be able to just add a download link of mp3 files where ever I want but this free version doesnt make any sense to me
so I assume it is not working ?

Am I supposed to create a download “package” (?) for each download file ?

My definition of package is as below:
“a bundle of something, usually of small or medium size, that is packed and wrapped or boxed; parcel”
So several items…which “Drop fileS” imply too. Files = Plural.

The download link was a white box with white text in it so the Download text wasnt visable.
I kept clicking the icon and nothing happened, then I hovered over the white box and the download text became visable in blue.

How can I modify this so it is just the download icon and download text with NO extra white background ?

I have more questions that I need to sort out but start with those. It has been a promising product but a bit confusing.
It is also promising to see posts in here from a few days ago. Hoping for good answear and maybe future customer support.



#1, #2) only pro version has mutli-file support. WPDM Free v2.7 still in RC and we didn’t adjust some wording yet. We will replace “package” with “file” as it is in wpdm free v2.6 now. sorry for the misunderstanding.

#3) it may happen only if your theme css interface with download button css. if you just want link and icon without any button style, please open /download-manager/templates/link-template-default.php , remove link-btn [color]

anyhow please let me know if you have any other question.

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