“View More” help

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Minh Do


How I can add the “View More” button next to the download the file just like the demo. The idea is that users can either click download to download the file or click View More to go to an external link. How can I do this?



Hello @minhdo89,
Good day to you.
Can you please let us know which demo you are referring to?


Minh Do

Good day to you too. I’m referring to the demo Template Name: Call To Action 4 in this link https://demo.wpdownloadmanager.com/wpdmpro/ready-to-use-templates/



Hi @minhdo89,
Thank you for the clarification.
Since you are using the WPDM free version so you have to use <a href="[page_url]" class="btn btn-secondary">View More</a> on the relevant link-template file by following the below link in order to create the View More button.

Template Files

However, with the WPDM Pro, the Call To Action 4 template comes out of the box and you will be able to use it easily.
I hope that helps. Let us know if you have any further queries.

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