Template Name: Panel 1/3

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I’m new to wpdownloadmanager and am using it for a non-profit website.

I would like to list all files in a category using the wpdm_category shortcode.

The shortcode is working with ok with Template Name: Card (template=”link-template-bsthumnail.php”) but this has more information than needed.

The most suitable template is Template Name: Panel 1/3 as seen on the demo site https://demo.wpdownloadmanager.com/wpdmpro/ready-to-use-templates/

But can’t get it to work. I tried using template=”link-template-panel” and template=”link-template-panel.php” but it is not working. Is this template available in the free version?


Sorry for late reply.
Use the following shortcode:

[wpdm_category id="Category Slug(s)" toolbar="1" paging="1" order_by="title" order="desc" items_per_page="10" template="link-template-panel-1-3" cols=4 colspad=2 colsphone=1]

change the category slug with your one. Details here.


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