table error order by date

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it does not work “order by date” – field “data” on
clicking on the arrow to sort the table does not work

this is shortcode

[wpdm_all_packages items_per_page="20" popup_link categories="magazines,award,online,book,video,newspapers" jstable=1  order_by="categories" order="DESC" cols="title|categories|update_date|download_link" colheads="Pubblicazione|Categoria| Data|"]

I tried to change but I do not understand. Initially it worked, then it stopped. Will I have the code wrong? Or will I have inserted some writing or date that has blocked the operation?

thank you



Here is the details of how to use the shortcode
and the demo is here
Please let me know if you need more help.
Thank you


Thanks, but it’s not a shortcode problem.

SOLVED: the problem is in the personalized date.
The plugin does not recognize it.

We must put a standard date and it works !!!

In the attached file the problem (everything is solved by changing the date format)

example pages (and shortcodes)


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