Stop the plugin from downloading the permission-denied txt file

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Patricia Clemente


I’ve seen that this issue has been posted on this forum before but it didn’t provide the answer I was after.

Currently when I try to access a protected file (via URL link) when I’m not signed in, the plugin automatically downloads a permission-denied txt file which contains an error message. I was wondering if there was a way to stop it from automatically downloading this, and instead redirect the user to the login page whilst showing the error message.

Also this is off-topic, but I was wondering if there is a way to edit the text of the ‘Download’ button. I had a look at the template PHP files but I wasn’t able to find where I could edit it.

Thank you in advance.


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Patricia,

Hope you are well. For changing link label, please check the package settings option as I image attached,


For more details, you may check this doc,

Package Settings

And For issue one, Can you please share the related URL for checking the issue?

Thank you and regards


Patricia Clemente

Hi Nayeem,

Thanks for helping me with the link label issue.

Unfortunately I’m working on a private development site so I won’t be able to send you the link for issue one (re: permission-denied txt file). I was wondering if this may be an issue you have encountered before and if so – you’d be able to help out without a link anyways.

Just to provide some extra detail, the txt file is titled “permission-denied” and contains the following error message:

You don’t have permission to download this file

Thank you in advance.


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Patricia,

Permission denied messages generally appear when role base restriction is applied for a certain file or packages. But if you can share the related link it would be better to investigate. However, you can also share some screenshots related to the issue

Thank you and regards

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