Show a message if there aren’t any files to download

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Alchemy Lab

Hi to all,
is there a way to show a message if a category has not any file connected?

I’ve tried this code:
[wpdm_category id="myCat" toolbar="0" paging="1" cols="1" items_per_page="20" template="link-template-default" empty_message="No files at the moment."]

But it doesn’t work

I’ve tried some code snippets but they shows the code at the top of the page (!) not in the div that contains the downloadable files.

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Alchemy Lab,

Hope you are well. We do not have any parameter called empty_message for the shortcode. You can check details here for other parameters,

[wpdm_category] – Query All Downloads From One or More Categories

However, for custom features or requirements, you can ask here with your details requirements,

Custom Upgrade Service

please check and let me know

Thank you and regards


Alchemy Lab

Hi Nayeem Riddhi, thanks for your reply

Looks like there’s no way to show a message if there aren’t any file available

It sounds strange to me that a so useful feature is missed. To show a message to the user if there are no files should be a basic feature.

Anyway, is there a workaround to solve this problem? Can I put a function somewhere or manually modify some plugin file like category.php?

Thanks for support


Nayeem Riddhi

Hello Alchemy Lab,

You are also able to keep a feature request here,

Download Manager Pro Feature Request

and for other shortcodes or feature hooks, you may please explore this doc

please check and let me know

Thank you again and regards



We shall add one with the next update

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