Purchase Order Status stuck on processing.

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Alex Rey

I seem to have a similar problem to others.
I’m trying to test payment/download options using paypal sandbox account.
After the payment goes through, I am redirected back to the site but have to log back in. Then the order is always showing as ‘processing’.
I can complete the order as an admin manually in the orders section but want it to be automatic.
Thanks in advance for any help.


Nayeem Riddhi

Alex Rey

Thanks for your reply.

Now, after the transaction on paypal, on returning to the the cart page, there is a ‘Completing Order’ message with a spinning icon, but it never completes.


Nayeem Riddhi

Maybe some settings adjustments mismatch. if possible, please, give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply for checking the issue.



Alex Rey
This reply has been marked as private.

Nayeem Riddhi

Sorry for back late to you. However, the issue has been solved. It was related to your site protocol HTTP and HTTPS, it was before HTTP in the general settings as I image attached, now I have changed it to HTTPS, for HTTP it was blocking for redirecting page.

Image 2020-09-15 at 8.22.34 AM

Now everything is working fine.



Alex Rey

Thank you so much Nayeem, much appreciated!


Nayeem Riddhi

You are most welcome. we are always here for giving you services. If you like our services, if you have free time, please give us a 5* here, https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/download-manager/reviews/, we will be very encouraged in our work.


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