large file download limit?

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Int Marine

I am getting reports that large files, (6 gigabyte for example) aren’t completing their download.
I don’t know where to look (apache log file?) to see where the problem is.
Is there a limit with Download Manager Free?

What is that limit, and why?

If there is no WPDM reason, should the files be able to restart without starting at beginning?

If there is no WPDM reason, can you recommend where I can track the error?

Thank you.


Int Marine

To be clear, these are free downloads that only require a passcode, hosted at digitalocean which doesn’t place any restrictions on files sizes like this at all. The site is, which works well otherwise. (Some files require registration, but the test files I have been asking associates to download are at:

I have just toggled the Output Buffering and Resumable Downloads to “Off” since they didn’t seem to be offering resumable downloads…

Appreciating any thoughts and assistance.



Hi there,
Sorry for your trouble. Large file upload issue is related to your server. You can try increasing php execution time. This may help you.

How to Increase the Maximum File Upload Size in WordPress Download Manager

Thank you.


Int Marine

Hi and thank you for your answer. I was writing about a download issue, and your answer is about uploading.

But it seems that ‘turning off’ the Output Buffering and Resumable Downloads selections in the settings is the solution. I also doubled the download speed to 8192, and wow! the download really goes fast. 6 gig in 10 minutes for one person.

Can you say for certain:
For downloading, is there a limit with the Free version of the Download Manager?

I am getting close to making the package work well – I thank you all – and will be giving those 5 stars soon.



Glad to hear your problem is solved. Can you be more clear about the download limit you are asking?
There is option Download Limit (in pro version) is associated with user role and Files(downloads). It means, limit is based on File. Suppose, Download Limit is set to 10 for subscriber role. After downloading 10 Files an user with subscriber role won’t be able to download any more Files.


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