Issue with upload files.

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Wasabi Web

When we use the current latest version of the plugin 3.2.55 we can’t upload files anymore. They do end up in the file system on the server, but they don’t get saved correctly in the wp_postmeta. It results in something like this a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";} for the variable __wpdm_files and therefor the file is not linked to the package I guess.

This still worked fine on 3.2.41. Something must have changed after that. We use a Capistrano setup on the server which uses symlinks for the upload folder. I guess this might give issues. I noticed in the settings of the plugin that File Browser Root logic got changed. So it might have to do something with that?

I had a conversation started in someone else tread but got asked to create my own.
They tested in a test env. and noticed the the package posts didn’t work on the front-end, but that’s because we don’t use the front-end side but only use the plugin to collect files in the Admin. If needed I can reshare details from our test environment.

I hope this gets fixed soon. It was a bit annoying that not a single error was thrown when the actual uploaded file couldn’t get linked to the file post object / package. We also prefer not to get stuck on an outdated plugin for our client.

Kind regards,


Ever Bueso

I have the same issue some time but the developers don’t seem to pay attention. This plugin is very good but with that problem it will no longer be an option. I will explain the problem: when i create a new download, i put the name and select the file pdf or any format, push the publicate, the file that should be attached disappears. Maybe i create a video for show you.




Thank you for your concern.

In our testing environment, the upload is working fine. Please have a look at this:

In this case, Here is what you can do to check:

1. Please try switching to another theme, like Twenty Twenty-one, and check whether the issue persists or not. If not, then it is the theme that is causing the error.

2. Deactivate all plugins temporarily except WPDM and see if that solves the problem. Then, activate plugins one by one to see which plugin is causing the problem.

​3. Try one more time after clearing your browser, website, and CDN caches if you have any. You may temporarily disable the caching plugin for testing.

If still, the problem exists then please provide us with some additional details like screenshots or screencasts to reproduce the issue or represent to us what is happening so that we can investigate further from here.

We appreciate your cooperation regarding this.



ibrahim Hossain

Hello Dear,

I try to upload my file but it’s not completed. Please see the screenshot.


ibrahim Hossain

When I upload under 100 MB file then it’s completed. But When I upload 100 MB + file then it’s not completed.



Hello @babupc,

Thank you for your reply.

Please open a separate forum topic for your different issues which will help us to track and reply in a timely manner.

Also, please provide additional details there such as the website URL, and login info in a private reply.

With Regards


ibrahim Hossain

Ligin Url

There is no option for private reply.


Wasabi Web


I checked your video but it didn’t helpt. But I guess the issue is with the File Browser Root,
because if I want to change that path to where the uploads are for real it will always change to something else or become empty after saving it or reseting it.

I also tested with all plugins and themes off but the problem is still there.

Like a wrote before did it still works on 3.2.41, before you changed the File Browser Root logic to how it is now. On the old version, we had this as File Browser: /var/www/boule/releases/20220902075209/wordpress (we work with releases of code)
With the new version 3.2.57 of the plugin, we can’t change that anymore because the first part is grey and contains:
/home/httpd/vhosts/ (/current is a pointer to /releases/20220902075209 for us)




Hi @wasabiweb,

Thank you for your reply.

Please share your admin login credentials in a private reply to check the issue.





I see you have opened a new thread.

Please continue there.



Wasabi Web
This reply has been marked as private.



Thank you for your reply.

It seems you haven’t provided the admin previlidge.

Please provide admin previlidge so that we can check further.



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