I Tried to Use Bulk Import Feature on WPDM Pro, but not work

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First, I apologize for starting a WPDM Pro discussion in the Free WPDM forum.

I’m planning to purchase WPDM Pro to handle our website download workflow. I Tried to use WPDM Pro Bulk Import Feature with this link https://try.wpdownloadmanager.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wpdmpro&page=importable-files

menu says import complete. But no new package entries are added from my csv file. No error message is displayed. Obviously I did this with your tutorial, but it hasn’t worked.




Thank you for writing to us.

It seems you have already opened a similar topic in the Pro forum.

So I am closing this one and one of our team members will get back to you ASAP.



I dont have pro license, so I cant view your reply on pro forum. Please answer from this

I I’ve followed the guide here. I even uploaded a sample CSV import sample that I downloaded from here https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/doc/bulk-import/

The problem is still ongoing. I tried directly on this demo website link https://try.wpdownloadmanager.com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=wpdmpro&page=importable-files but it also didn’t work.




In that case, please share your admin login credentials in a private reply to check the issue.


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