history – undefined property

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Uwe Klemm


we’ve been running WPDM free for quite some time now, mostly hassle-free. So, first of all: thanks a lot!
Suddenly we have an issue: When trying to download a file users get an error message like this: [Table ‘mz-angergym_db.wp_ahm_user_download_counts’ doesn’t exist]
select download_count from wp_ahm_user_download_counts WHERE user = ‘2’ and package_id = ‘7818’]
Then, users cannot proceed to download the file.
We haven’t changed anything to our WP-install. WP itself is 5.7.1, WPDM 3.2.1
When I looked for possible reasons from the backend, I noticed that download history produced error messages as well:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$agent in /var/www/vhosts/oururl/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/download-manager/admin/tpls/stats/history.php on line 233

(I changed the url, obviously).
I can’t find any reason / fix – could anyone here give a hint?
Thanks, best, Uwe


Nayeem Riddhi

please share your related file/package URL, if possible, please, give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply for checking the issue.



Uwe Klemm
This reply has been marked as private.


Hi Uwe,
Thank you for the credentials. Please check now we have resolved your issue.
We have adjusted it in the latest version(3.1.24) as well.
With Regards


Uwe Klemm

Thank you so much for your quick response and support!



Hello Uwe,
You are welcome.
If you found my support helpful, could you leave your valuable review here https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/download-manager/reviews/?rate=5#new-post
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