we’ve been running WPDM free for quite some time now, mostly hassle-free. So, first of all: thanks a lot!
Suddenly we have an issue: When trying to download a file users get an error message like this: [Table ‘mz-angergym_db.wp_ahm_user_download_counts’ doesn’t exist]
select download_count from wp_ahm_user_download_counts WHERE user = ‘2’ and package_id = ‘7818’]
Then, users cannot proceed to download the file.
We haven’t changed anything to our WP-install. WP itself is 5.7.1, WPDM 3.2.1
When I looked for possible reasons from the backend, I noticed that download history produced error messages as well:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$agent in /var/www/vhosts/oururl/httpdocs/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/download-manager/admin/tpls/stats/history.php on line 233
(I changed the url, obviously).
I can’t find any reason / fix – could anyone here give a hint?
Thanks, best, Uwe