Google Drive not connecting

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Two more days are passed.

Any new @sultana @admin?

My time is running out


Hi, I have to release the website next week, any news about my problem? @admin @sultana


@admin I see you is active, please help


I told google I was me to access.
Please now solve the problem



Still same.


Hi, it’s the same for me. I have 2 sites with the plugin, one of them with the updated plugin (pro 4.6.3) and it is the one that gives me error. The API developer key is invalid.
The keys are correct and the APIs are enabled.

My other site with the plugin in verisón free 2.9.3 connects well with google drive, it works. But with visual errors for being outdated.

I hope you can solve it




Same Problem Come Here :

401. That’s an error.
Error: invalid_client
no registered origin
Request Details
That’s all we know

Any Here can explain how solve ????????

Google drive api =enabled
Google Picker api =enabled

Key api =added
ID client =added
Client Secret =added



Any trouble means, you missed a step here:

Google Drive Explorer

Error: invalid_client
no registered origin

Seems like, you didn’t follow the step #6 properly.



Yes add incorrect domain in the step#6
now work


Vigan City

It seems there is an error. They updated the Google Sir.


Vigan City

I worked now. I just repeat the process all and all, and double check it. Thank you WPDM!


Kevin C

Unfortunately I’m having some similar issues. Ive gotten to see the google signin window, I select the account and then I get the following error:
400. That’s an error.

Error: invalid_scope

You don’t have permission to access some scopes. Your project is trying to access scopes that need to go through the verification process. {invalid = []} If you need to use one of these scopes, submit a verification request.

Learn more

Request Details

That’s all we know.

From what Ive read on the following posts I haven’t seen this mentioned.



Again, please follow the steps carefully:

Google Drive Explorer

You missed something.

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