File Upload email notification

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Joan Pier

We want to use the plugin to have a shared folders from our team in our wordpress website (only internal use).

I want to know if is possible to send a notification emails when a new file is upload.

Like I have said, this is for internal use and is important that all the team members will be notified when a new file is upload to the folders.

Thanks in advanced.



You can use Newsletter addon to send a notification to the team about a new package or file upload.



Joan Pier


Thanks for your quick response and your help!



Hi, I have the same problem here but I need to have different users or users’ groups for different reserved areas, then I need to notify only the users who will find the uploaded File in their page.

Reading the documentation of the “Newsletter addon” it is not clear if I can set different email notifications for different kind of uploads taxonomies.


Uploaded File with category XXX triggers en email to users X and Y
Uploaded file with category ZZZ triggers an email to user Z
Uploaded File with category WWW triggers an email to all users with role “Author”

Thank you in advance
Best regards

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