Error: select download_count from wp_ahm_user_download_counts WHERE user

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Vít Martinec

Good day,

sorry i don’t speak english, i use google translation. I would like to buy the PRO version, but when I started using the frre version, the following message appears after the update: [Table ‘ou-tuchlovicecz02.wp_ahm_user_download_counts’ doesn’t exist]
select download_count from wp_ahm_user_download_counts WHERE user = ‘’ and package_id = ‘14958’

this message is constantly repeated, see:

Can anyone please advise me how to fix this?

Thank you


Vít Martinec


Edwin Smits

here the same after i did a update, not know what went wrong


Edwin Smits

try to read what it could be, but no anser for me right now


Edwin Smits

i use version 3.1.15


Sidratul Sohrat

Please deactivate and reactivate the plugin, that should update the database and fix the issue.


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