Downloads don’t work

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Since last Yesterday actualisation, downloads via shortcode ([wpdm_package id='42428']) doesn’t work, the link on download button refers to the download page, not to the file.

Any fast solution?



Nayeem Riddhi


For the time being you can follow the link below documentation,

Template Files

by default, you are using link-template-default.php for link template and page-template-default.php for the page template. As documentation, you have to copy the file in the theme directory naming a folder called download-manager, then paste it in page-templates for page template or link-templates for link template. And you have to replace [download_link] with <a href="[download_url]" class="btn btn-primary" target="_blank">[link_label]</a> in related PHP file.

let me know, if those help you.



Thanks, that solved the problem for the moment. Anyway, now i realized that when I use tags like

[wpdm-all-packages items_per_page="10" categories="manuales-dinos-numerico" jstable=1 order_by="title" order="asc" cols="title|package_size|download_link" colheads="Título::500px|Tamaño|Descarga"]

The download link is also not working.

How can solve this issue?

Thank you


Jeroen Smits

I have the same problem with this shortcode;

[wpdm_all_packages items_per_page="20" jstable=0 cols="title,file_count,download_count|categories|download_link" colheads="Title|Categories|Download"]

All downloads are given #-url’s instead of downloads. Adding a single file to a page with [wpdm_package id='4483'] code works for me (tested one document). Also notice that the title of the document is no longer a hyperlink but only a title.

Thanks for helping us out

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