Download History has stopped?

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Basil Bahrani

The download history count on my website dashboard has stopped on the 12th December 2020. I know there have been downloads since then but can’s see the history anymore? Any ideas how to see this information again? Thanks.


Nayeem Riddhi

It is working fine from our side, can you please which version of WPDM you are using and PHP version too



Basil Bahrani

I am using WPDM Version 3.1.12 and PHP 7.2.34. I think I need to update my PHP.


Nayeem Riddhi

please update, let me know if it works for you. if doesn’t work, please, give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply for checking the issue.



Basil Bahrani

All updated to PHP 7.4 but the problem has not cleared. Is there anything else I can check to see what is causing the issue? Thanks.


Nayeem Riddhi

Please, give your temporary wp-admin login details in a private reply for checking the issue.



Basil Bahrani
This reply has been marked as private.

Nayeem Riddhi

Have you recently install other plugins if there conflicting with it, please check, you can also enable/disable other plugins for checking the issue, please let me know then



Basil Bahrani

I’ve checked recent plugins and no change when I enable/disable other plugins. Still not getting any history update even if I do a direct download?


Nayeem Riddhi

Download history feature is working fine from our side, there may be somewhere conflicting, you can also switch the theme for checking



Scott Peterson

I am also having the same problem. My history of downloads stopped working around December 11th. This is really important for me as my site needs to track downloads for legal reasons.

I was autoupgraded to version 3.1.12 at some point. It Would be nice if your change log listed dates

I am on WP Version 5.6
I am using PHP 7.4.14
I have disabled every plugin except for the downloads plugin. I usually host files on s3 so I used WPDM but I have also disabled this and tried downloading files from the media library.
I have also tried different themes

It does not work.


carin otten

Yes, here also…No download history anymore. Tried all of the above advices NONE of them are working. No I am not certain anymore IF I want to buy PRO.



Please try deactivating and reactivating the plugin, download history should work file after DB update. The process will not harm your data or settings.

  • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Shahjada.

Scott Peterson

I disabled the plugin and reactivated it. The problem is a little fixed. By this, I mean that a file being downloaded from my local media is now tracked (this was broken before) but all of my files that exist in S3 (which is 99$) are NOT being tracked.



Please update the amazon s3 add-on ( ), the latest version of the s3 add-on will track the downloads.


Scott Peterson

Yes, I was able to upgrade and that did fix the problem.

I was not aware that I was behind on versions. How come it did not show as an update in the WP plugins area?

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