DM Free “Basic” Tab Settings Won’t Save

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John O

I am using Download Manager Free on WordPress 6.2.2, and trying to change the File Browser Root location in the Basic tab in settings under Access settings. When I change any setting on this tab, the Save Settings button spinner just spins forever and never shows a success notification. On all the other tabs, changes save immediately. When using the Firefox inspect tool to look at the console, a button press results in a 403 Forbidden error response.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Hello John,

Thank you for writing to us.

We’ll need to take a closer look to see why this might be happening. Therefore, I’d request you to check whether there are any plugins installed that might be causing this.

Here is what you can do to check:

1. Please try switching to another theme, like Twenty Twenty-one, and check whether the issue persists or not. If not, then it is the theme that is causing the error.

2. Deactivate all plugins temporarily except WPDM and see if that solves the problem. Then, activate the plugins one by one to see which plugin is causing the problem.

​3. Try one more time after clearing your browser, website, and CDN caches if you have any. You may temporarily disable the caching plugin for testing.

Please let me know how that goes. I will be happy to help with any further assistance you might need.



please remove all html tags from from any option value. Then try again.


John O

Shahjada, thank you for the solution! The only place I saw HTML tags in Settings was under Messages. I deleted everything from “Download Limit Exceeded Message for Packages” and “Login Required Message”.

After clearing these out and changing the File Browser Root path back to default, settings saved right away. Upon reload, the “Login Required Message” code came back, but the “Download Limit Exceeded Message for Packages” code was empty. I tried to put it back in and it failed to save. I removed the <i> tag for the exclamation triangle and just left the text, “Download Limit Exceeded!” That seemed to work perfectly! Thanks again.




You are welcome and glad to hear that.

However, If you get some free moments, please give us a 5* here and add your valuable review about our plugin, it will inspire us a lot.


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