Bulk Change Downloads Page Template

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Hi, I have recently moved from the Pro version to the Free version as the site is slowly fading away so I don’t want to send much on it, but I must have been using a Pro template before because now the download links are not showing, just some sort of shortcode [files]. So I want to change all the downloads from whatever it was to Extended as that suits my needs. I have over 200 downloads so I dont want to have to do this manually on each one, so I thought I could just edit the database, but I can’t find where the template is set. I’m fully ok with editing databases and using myPHP, but I just need to know where to change it, can you advise where this setting is in the database?



Nayeem Riddhi

Hello TechyGeeksHome,

Hope you are well. Thanks for writing to us. For avoiding database adjustments and making more user friendly, we have a built-in add-on, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/download/wpdm-default-values/. Please kindly check if it is useful for you.

Thank you and regards


Thats great, but I’m not paying $49 to change a template setting! I might as well as just renewed the Pro version. This is why I want to just edit it in the DB.


I’ve been paying for the pro version for nearly 10 years, so I think the least I can get is the location of the template setting in the DB?


Nayeem Riddhi

For now we can’t give an elaborate solution for code, but you can use this update_post_meta(get_the_ID(),'_wp_page_template','page-name.php'); you may need to implement it elaborately for all packages/files. However, we will be happy if you return to our PRO member club. Please kindly check.

Thank you and regards


Don’t worry, I’ve wrote my own SQL code to do it, I see the settings are in the wp_postmeta rather than a ahm tables. I’ve change it and its working now. Thanks anyway.


Nayeem Riddhi

Glad to hear that. However, if you need further help with anything else, then please don’t hesitate to open a new topic. If you get some free moments, can you please give us a 5* here https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/download-manager/reviews/?rate=5#new-post, It will inspire us a lot. Thanks in advance 🙂

Thank you again and regards

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