“Allow Access” question

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Greg Falken

Hi. I have WP Download Manager (free) and WP Pro Membership installed. I have created some sample files and a sample membership plan. I want to only allow downloads by signed in users with a membership plan. In package settings, I have set “Allow Access” only to my sample plan. However, I can still download the file in that package when logged in as a user with no plan subscription. What am I missing?



Sidratul Sohrat

Please check this add-on, https://www.wpdownloadmanager.com/download/advanced-access-control/. Hope it will help you



Greg Falken

With respect, this doesn’t answer my question. Is what I am seeing the expected behavior of Allow Access in the free version of Download Manager? And if so, why are these options available in the interface?



Sidratul Sohrat

Allow Access option is to give download access to a certain group of people like author, editor, subscriber. Suppose you want to allow download a package only for the editors, you can do that with Allow Access option.



Greg Falken

Thank you, that’s how I thought it worked. So here’s what I’m seeing:

– The only thing in the file’s Allow Access field is the Sample Membership Plan.
– When I visit the page showing this file (using the Packages block) as an anonymous user, there is no download button displayed, as I would expect.
– When I visit the page logged in as a user with a WordPress account but *not* a subscriber to the Sample Membership Plan, I still see the download buttons, which is not what I would expect.

Is there a way to dis-allow users with an account on the site, who are not members of a plan?



Sidratul Sohrat

“Is there a way to dis-allow users with an account on the site, who are not members of a plan?” – For that, you need the Advanced Access Control Add-on.

Advanced Access Control


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