Allow only:
this option is for enabling users from selected user role to upper level to use this plugin. Like if you select “Editor” then Editors and upper level users (Editor, Administrator and any custom created roles with same or more privileges then Editor) will able to use this plugin .
Enable/Disable all registered members to use download manager plugin. If you enable multi-user option then all user will able to create, edit and delete only their own files and administrators will able to see and control all files.
Custom Admin:
Enter user name here, if you want to make any user(from any user role) supper admin for wpdm pro. If you want to add multiple user, each username should be separated by comma.
Enable short-code:
This option is useful when you want to disable download manager’s short-codes in homepage or blog page. Two options there,
Everywhere = this option will enable short-code everywhere like blog page, homepage, single page/post, archive page
Only Single Page/Post = this option will disable short-code everywhere except single page or post.
disable short-code means download manager short-code will not render the package links (will not be parsed). just will be removed.
Page Template:
This options is same as selecting page template while you creating a new page, for example page with left sidebar, right sidebar, no sidebar…. Here selected page template will be used to show package info when you will enter to a package URL and as page content you will see detailed package info. Which info you want to show or hide in details page about a package you can control though page template. More details about download manager template is here
URL Structure:
Here you can use custom URL slug for wpdm packages and categories, its simply same as setting up category slug in WordPress permalink structure.
File Browser Root:
Root directory for server file browser.
Facebook APP ID:
You need to create a facebook app from here
Permission Denied Message:
This message will be displayed instead of download link when user will not have enough permission to download the file/package
Login Required Message:
This message will be displayed instead of download link for non-logged in users when package download requires login (members only files/packages)