Thank you for the informative answer. Please let me investigate your response and get back to you. You are helpful and informative and for that I am grateful.
I noticed this in Chrome:
JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.3.2
js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
So I switched the theme and the issues are gone. I would prefer not to use that theme change as the solutions, as I strongly prefer the broken one lol. In the broken theme, also the Download Button does not work. The “Popup” messages from Download Manager that say Success etc. do not show with the broken theme. Is there any chance you could help me find the problem with the buttons in the other theme please?
Thank you,
Hello Nayeem. Thank you for your assistance.
What I am experiencing is when creating an upload, You enter the Title and click the Create Button. It takes around 24 seconds to open the next page for the file and it’s info. That occurs while the “spinner” is showing the site working on opening the page.
Or…. I simply click the “Create” button and nothing happens. No spinner, no page change only the “hover” effect, clicking does nothing.
Also, when going to the Uploads Dashboard, then clicking the edit icon for any package, I experience the exact same thing as above with the “Create”. If it opens the page, then when I click the “Update Package” button, every time I have tried clicking Update button does nothing aside from the Hover effect.
I have tried deactivating just about every plugin and I did not find any that improved my experience. My internet access is exceptionally fast at 1G. I experience the same on my phone. I experience the same if I change users also. I’ve cleared cache, I logged in from another network and same experience. I am hopeful given the fact I can see the package you uploaded.
Thank you for your time, assistance and understanding. I am grateful for any help you have to offer. Please help me to get my 10 year old Joomla/jDownloads transferred website working optimally so I can reopen after a month of work.
Thank you.
Stay healthy, stay safe.
I have attempted to disable plugins down to the bare minimum and it will not upload or edit.
After last update, uploading and package editing do not function. The Update button does nothing.
I located it. Resolved
What about defining the array in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/download-manager/src/AuthorDashboard/views/author-dashboard/new-package-form/categories.php
to only show the categories I want them to upload to? If someone could explain to me exactly what I needed to add/change, I can edit and upload.
* Base: wpdmpro
* Developer: shahjada
* Team: W3 Eden
* Date: 15/12/19 18:50
* Updated: 24/05/20
if (!defined(“ABSPATH”)) die();
<div class=”card card-default” id=”categories-section”
<?php if (isset($hide) && is_array($hide) && in_array(‘cats’, $hide)) { ?>style=”display: none”<?php } ?
<div class=”card-header”><b><?php _e(“Categories”, “download-manager”); ?></b></div>
<div class=”card-header p-2″><input placeholder=”<?php echo __( “Search…”, “download-manager” ) ?>” type=”search” class=”form-control form-control-sm bg-white” id=”cat_src” /></div>
<div class=”card-body cat-card”>
$term_list = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, ‘wpdmcategory’, array(“fields” ► “all”));
$selected = array();
foreach ($term_list as $__term) {
$selected[] = $__term->term_id;
WPDM()->categories->checkboxTree(‘cats’, $selected, $params);
$(“#cat_src”).on(“keyup”, function() {
var value = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
$(“#wpdmcat-tree li”).filter(function() {
$(this).toggle($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(value) > -1)
That only allows to change 1 member at a time. With 25k members…..
That addon you show I have and it does not allow for it….
The Favourites Function show in the same manner. After the first page, all paginated pages have no formatting.
Also, When viewing an Authors page, then viewing favourites for that author, it displays ALL packages on the site.
Hello Humayon,
It is indeed working. Thank you for the expertise and kindness. I am looking forward to testing for my goals. You are appreciated.
I have over 25k members. How do I change their respective memberships globally or by other metrics?
Thank you and regards,
Hello Nayeem,
Thank you your hopes, as I hope you are well. I am well, still healthy. I wish the same for you.
Yes, the front end. Whether they are editing an existing package, or just finished adding one, I would very much like it to redirect the member to their respective Uploads DashBoard please.
Thank you and regards
I have not changed it. You might have tried whie the site was being inspected by another member of your team. Please try again.
Thank you:-)
Thank you, I am grateful for your honesty and assistance.
Thank you
When viewing source after activating, any pages in front end have nothing except the head and body tags. Everything is gone and the entire front end is a blank, white, empty page.
I have tried that and when active, the website becomes a blank page