It doesn’t work even for registered users with role, I’m going to try version 2.6.7, that one did work for role.
I’ll check again, I’ll wait 2 days, I already hit reset downloads for everyone
ok i understand but it doesn’t work, it only allows one download for guests, my configuration is to reset download in 1 day and it’s been 3 days and the download button didn’t appear again and the countdown timer never reaches zero, I think when there are 12 hours left for the countdown timer to reach zero it appears again that there are 1 day and 12 hours left for me to download again
The download button for guests doesn’t appear, it only appears when you click on reset downloads for everyone
for users who log in who have a role if it works
For users who do not log in, the guest download reset does not work
I would need guests to register to assign them a role
But it only allows one download, in 2 days the download button does not appear, and the countdown timer never reaches zero
Hi, it works now, I have 2 subscriptions with you from Download Limit, can you cancel one for me? Thanks
Ok , solved, enter please. Thanks
You can now enter, help it to work reset downloads for guest
No, it worked mate, I’m going to keep using version 2.6.7
Is there any way I can reset guest user downloads? I already tried replacing “all” “guest” with “guests” and it doesn’t work
$(‘body’).on(‘click’, ‘#__rle’, function () {
$(this).attr(‘disabled’, ‘disabled’).html(‘<i class=”fa fa-sun fa-spin”></i>’);
var $this = $(this);
$.post(ajaxurl, {action: ‘wpdm_reset_user_download_limit’, user: ‘all’}, function () {
$this.html(‘<i class=”fa fa-check-double”></i> Done’);
Hi, I already downloaded and installed that version from there but it doesn’t work.
My WPDM doesn’t understand me – Download Limits doesn’t have the option to (reset days) limit downloads to guests, I want to know if the new version has that option and how to update.
I didn’t understand, I have version 2.6.7,
it appears like this
Can the new version be configured by days per role?
if so how do i update it plugin new version
Yes, that option exists for the new version 2.7.0, because on the main page of the plugin there is an image with that option, thanks
It doesn’t work, I will do it manually, thanks
No, it works, the countdown shows 24 hours but it restarts every 48 hours, it would really take the downloads to restart every 24 hours
Can you tell me which part of the code to edit, since if I edit this code var days = Math.floor(distance / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) ); by var days = Math.floor(distance / (2000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); It is only the timer and does not reset the downloads
If I select reset download 1 day, it restarts in 2 days, thanks
A reset option could be added to more than 1 user, for example, select 100 users and reset them at the same time.
ok thanks
I’m going to do it manually better since I need to reset hundreds of users every day
There is no way to reset bulk downloads from wp-admin/users.php of only selected users
hi, The downloads do not restart, I tried with a limit of 1 day and the day has passed and they do not restart, what could it be?