David Hager

Forum Replies Created

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in reply to: How to force wpdmpro to use its own archive page. #61315

David Hager

Ok.. Then why if I say that certain user roles don’t have access to a specific download will they see the download in the archive? I would figure that then if I say in the settings “Block all” that they won’t see it in the archive

in reply to: Export of List #61314

David Hager

Again: Again: Again: Again: could we have a export function you promised three years ago?

in reply to: Invalid licencse #55327

David Hager
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in reply to: Adding custom PHP to single download page. #55102

David Hager

I see that it is not possible, but I do want to have custom data displayed which include: custom taxonomies, custom column in the download table to display the language of the file, add a favourite button using the favoriteposts.com plugin and adding a video preview to all the video’s downloads which are hosted on Vimeo. How would I go about this when I can not use normal PHP? It can’t be that I am the only one who wants this?

Can I create some sort of function and load that using your weird shortcode method?

Thanks for the link, but like I told you I already am using the template overwrites in my child-theme

in reply to: Adding custom PHP to single download page. #54849

David Hager

I have PHP for example:

<?php if(get_field('item_number')): ?>
<h5><?php the_field('item_number') ?></h5>
<?php endif; ?>

Or this to add a favourite button that is add to all my different post types through my whole site.

<?php the_favorites_button($post_id, $site_id); ?>

But it all gets compiled to

<!--?php the_favorites_button($post_id, $site_id); ?-->
    <!--?php if(get_field('item_number')): ?-->
      <h5><!--?php the_field('item_number') ?--></h5>
    <!--?php endif; ?-->

So to simplify my question, how do I write PHP like I write on any other template part in my theme

in reply to: No stats in wp-admin #54811

David Hager

@Shaon thanks I had tested this once and it was working, could it be that this function would disable it self after an update?

in reply to: No stats in wp-admin #54715

David Hager
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in reply to: Invalid licencse #54425

David Hager
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in reply to: Invalid licencse #54355

David Hager

@shahriar that is no answer on the manual update process, which is really bad for security. And working on a staging/local server shouldn’t count against having multiple domains right?

in reply to: Invalid licencse #54332

David Hager
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in reply to: Invalid licencse #54331

David Hager

I did update, which is really hard btw, why is this? I am a big fan of [ACF Pro](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com) which updates just like any other plugin, seems like a better way of working, it sure is a lot saver. This way I can automate the update process.

The thing is I am constantly moving my site from dev to production and it seems like it screws with the license every time I move it. Why is this? I bought the plugin right? just let me use it where I want… It seems like an unnecessary DRM system that is not helping anyone.

in reply to: Export of List #52751

David Hager

Again: Again: Any news on the csv export functionality? It would be really useful to be able to download all of the package data into a spreadsheet, make changes and then bulk import.
Best wishes

Edit: I just imported via the normal WordPress importer and this will lose all my connected download files.

in reply to: Rename post type from downloads to library #51783

David Hager

Yes I want to rename the following items

public function registerPostTypeTaxonomy()
        $labels = array(
            'name' ► __('Downloads', 'wpdmpro'),
            'singular_name' ► __('Package', 'wpdmpro'),
            'add_new' ► __('Add New', 'wpdmpro'),
            'add_new_item' ► __('Add New Package', 'wpdmpro'),
            'edit_item' ► __('Edit Package', 'wpdmpro'),
            'new_item' ► __('New Package', 'wpdmpro'),
            'all_items' ► __('All Packages', 'wpdmpro'),
            'view_item' ► __('View Package', 'wpdmpro'),
            'search_items' ► __('Search Packages', 'wpdmpro'),
            'not_found' ► __('No Package Found', 'wpdmpro'),
            'not_found_in_trash' ► __('No Packages found in Trash', 'wpdmpro'),
            'parent_item_colon' ► '',
            'menu_name' ► __('Downloads', 'wpdmpro')


But it would be nice to still be able to update the plugin.

Would the following work:

add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'wpse_19240_change_place_labels', 20 );

function wpse_19240_change_place_labels()
    global $wp_post_types;
    $p = 'wpdmpro';

    // Someone has changed this post type, always check for that!
    if ( empty ( $wp_post_types[ $p ] )
        or ! is_object( $wp_post_types[ $p ] )
        or empty ( $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels )

    // see get_post_type_labels()
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->name               = 'Library';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->singular_name      = 'Library';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->add_new            = 'Add item';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->add_new_item       = 'Add new item';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->all_items          = 'All items';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->edit_item          = 'Edit item';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->name_admin_bar     = 'Library';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->menu_name          = 'Library';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->new_item           = 'New item';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->not_found          = 'No itemes found';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->not_found_in_trash = 'No items found in trash';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->search_items       = 'Search items';
    $wp_post_types[ $p ]->labels->view_item          = 'View item';

David Hager
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in reply to: File Title Not Auto Populating in 4.5.5 #51071

David Hager

I have te same issue with Remote FTP. Any fix?

in reply to: Extend Advanced search with custom taxonamy #50893

David Hager

@Shahriar thanks what is the best way to move this to my child theme so that I don’t be overwriting the plugin and still can update?

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